Arma 3
Kat Sep 13, 2018 @ 6:23am
Sounds causing crashes.
I've noticed recently that sometimes vehicles will emanate a "banshee scream" or some weird "pixelated" sound so to speak, if you remain next to the sound source the sound will then cut out and a few seconds after the sound cutting out, the game will crash.

Also probably related, sometimes the sound will cut out regardless, and will result in the same crash.

Is this known or not?
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Radium Dec 23, 2018 @ 4:40am 
Bump. I've noticed this too, and my friend has also had a similar issue. It seems most prominent in Zeus, and is still recurring. Though, I'm not sure if it might be another mod that's causing this, but whenever I don't run JSRS it seems to be fine.

If you could investigate this, and maybe procure a fix, we would really appreciate that because we pretty much can't go without the mod.
Kat Jan 14, 2019 @ 12:38pm 
I believe the issue is still prevalent today.
Radium Jan 14, 2019 @ 1:56pm 
That would be correct, I've had to downright stop using JSRS to fix this so I can have an enjoyable experience of not crashing.

I do hope he'll take a look at this though.. It really is problematic
Tarkus Jan 29, 2019 @ 2:01pm 
I'm experiencing the same issue. I just downloaded it. The sound effects are great but if it keeps crashing like this I'll have to stop using this.
Ryan Goslingov May 12, 2019 @ 12:29pm 
Just experienced the same issue today, twice.
dimasrs117 May 31, 2019 @ 5:49pm 
Looks like there are issues with flying V-TOLS. After installing Sound Mod - after a few minutes of flying Xian or Blackfish the game crashes. Without sound mod it does not crash. Or if it does - it happens after hours of flying around.
LordJarhead  [developer] Jun 1, 2019 @ 3:14am 
I'll have to take a deeper look. I did not really carefully crafted the configuration files for these things.
adriank Jun 1, 2019 @ 3:39pm 
I cannot fly more than 10 minutes without my game crashing in a jet. Have since uninstalled the mod, hoping for a fix.
LordJarhead  [developer] Jun 2, 2019 @ 4:39am 
What jet, any jet or only a specific one?
Kat Jun 2, 2019 @ 6:56pm 
Regarding the original post, the bug can happen on any vehicle but I have encountered it the most with the MRAPS (Ifrit, Hunter).
@LJH - I thought I was the only one with the 'pixelated sound'. Nope... :(

I am not sure if it is of your doings though. For me, and it is rare, a vehicle will drive by and then it freezes (no sound), starts back up for about .5 seconds, then freezes (dead). Have to use task manager to kill.

I have verified ARMA and your mod, as this is ACTING LIKE a corrupt sound dice...all good.

I hate to report, that I never wrote down the actual 'fault' shown via the 'crash reporter' in Windows, but I THINK it was always a different program and not the same one over and over.

As I use a 'Helper' mod of mine while playing SP, one time, when this happened, I teleported out of the area and ARMA did not crash and this 'audio oddity' also stopped. So it makes me think it might be a sound channel (number in use) issue.

I have tried changing Windows sound bits from 48k to 44k and made no difference. My ARMA settings are the same now as there were when the Alpha came out.

Sadly, I can not reproduce this at will.

Machine Gun Kelly Jun 30, 2024 @ 3:04pm 
@stanky - You have the EXACT issue I have every now and then. Though, I am on foot when it happens to me.

My 'fix' is to teleport out of that area IMMEDIATELY upon hearing 'that sound'. I wait till that vehicle 'moves away' from my 'old' location, then I teleport back.

As you saw, you had about 2 seconds to leave and when you did not? BAM! Bye-bye ARMA! ;)

My 'fix', while it may suck; it DOES work. ;)

If you do not use my mod or do not use a mod that allows for teleporting, I would RUN 180 degrees AWAY FROM IT! You MIGHT make it away before it 'crashes down on you'. I have never tried to 'run away', I have always teleported.

This 'sound issue' happens quite rarely (to me), so it is a very minor 'issue' for me. And it is VERY random. You hear it, run away, come back later and that vehicle sounds normal. ??? Weird... ;)

Just run away to live!

stanky Jul 4, 2024 @ 8:14pm 
Sound of death, literally!, yeah i've been trying to teleport my self away often now, while not practical it does work from keeping my Arma game alive, also your mod looks interesting, i might try it out. either way, Thanks!
stanky Jul 4, 2024 @ 8:15pm 
I hope JSRS fixes this
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