An old school platformer inspired by the greats of the 80s. Rainbow Hills focuses on a tight controls, smart level design, good game feel, and bubbles!
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Informazioni sul gioco

Rainbow Hills is a true old school platformer inspired by the classics of the 80s. It focuses on a tight controls, smart level design, and a good retro game feel!

Main Features
  • Pure retro-style platforming.
  • Simple 2 button gameplay mechanics that can be used in creative ways!
  • Bubble-centric gameplay that rewards skill.
  • Ton of collectibles, power-ups and secrets!
  • Super cute and colorful art style in the vein of the classic cutesy platformers.
  • Speedrunning-friendly level design.
  • Fun and unique boss battles.
  • Original retro soundtrack by Michael Adels.

Rainbow Hills might look like a children's game, but it's a challenging old school platformer. Anyone can play it but it has gameplay depth for gamers and speedrunners too. Beating it requires practice and skill. Rainbow Hills tells a story of a small brave octopus that faces a colorful world of full of cute and quirky creatures. He can go on by running and jumping, by using power-ups, and more often than not, bubbles. With bubbles he can trap enemies, reach high platforms, collect power-ups, light up dark places, and even manipulate the environment. Mastering the art of bubbles allows players to interact with the game world in many interesting and creative ways.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo *: Windows 7
    • Processore: Intel i5 or better
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: GeForce GTX 660 / AMD equivalent
    • Memoria: 2 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: Yes
* A partire dal 1° gennaio 2024, il client di Steam supporta solo Windows 10 e versioni successive.
    • Sistema operativo: 10.10
    • Processore: Intel i5 or better
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: GeForce GTX 660 / AMD equivalent
    • Memoria: 2 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: Yes
* A partire dal 15 febbraio 2024, il client di Steam non supporterà più i giochi a 32 bit o macOS 10.14 o versioni precedenti.
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