BONELAB is an experimental physics action game. Explore a mysterious lab filled with weapons, enemies, challenges and secrets. Escape your reality, or wreak havoc. No wrong answers.
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Erg positief (218) - 88% van de 218 gebruikersrecensies in de laatste 30 dagen zijn positief.
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Grotendeels positief (14,582) - 78% van de 14,582 gebruikersrecensies voor dit spel zijn positief.
29 sep 2022

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Over dit spel


Sentenced to death, you embody an outcast escaping fate. Discover a pathway to a hidden underground research facility. A series of challenging experiments and discoveries await. A road to the truth calls from the void.

Physics to the core

Boneworks' realistic physics systems fully improved and polished. Interact with the game world with consistent confidence.

Visceral VR combat

Using a variety of ranged, melee, and exotic physics weapons, engage enemy encounters with an entire armory at your disposal.

Be anyone you want

Custom avatar importing enables you to play through the game looking however you want, with physical stats to match.

Layered Narrative

After discovering an underground lab in MythOS city, you will have access to a variety of game locations including arenas, obstacle courses, tactical trials, sandboxes, experimental modes, and user generated levels. Collecting items, avatars, and clues from these locations enable you to progress through the mysterious story.

Beschrijving inhoud voor volwassenen

De ontwikkelaars omschrijven de inhoud als volgt:

Player uses physical combat, including firearms, melee weapons, and bare hands, to fight enemies ranging from robots to humans. Enemies will exhibit blood splats on their bodies and the environment around them. Player is able to harm and kill themselves as well as be damaged and killed by their environment.


    • Vereist een 64-bitsprocessor en -besturingssysteem
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel i5 7600 3.5ghz+
    • Geheugen: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: GTX 1070 / 1660TI (6GB VRAM)
    • DirectX: Versie 11
    • Netwerk: Breedband-internetverbinding
    • Opslagruimte: 20 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Geluidskaart: -
    • VR-ondersteuning: SteamVR or OpenXR
    • Aanvullende opmerkingen: CPU performance required for physics calculations! SSD Required, 32GB Windows Virtual Memory Cache
    • Vereist een 64-bitsprocessor en -besturingssysteem
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel i7 9700k or greater, 3.6 ghz+
    • Geheugen: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: We recommend a 2070/2060super/1080ti or greater so you can have headroom to play with. Any GPU that ran Boneworks well should be great.
    • DirectX: Versie 11
    • Netwerk: Breedband-internetverbinding
    • Opslagruimte: 20 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Geluidskaart: -
    • Aanvullende opmerkingen: CPU performance required for physics calculations! SSD Required, 32GB Windows Virtual Memory Cache

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