Going to a masquerade ball, you rarely suspect anything amiss. But, since you are a detective, your intuition does not fail you and something magically evil will indeed happen in Venice.
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Pozitív (15) - E játék 15 felhasználói értékeléséből 80% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2022. febr. 5.

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Magic City Detective: Wings Of Revenge Collector's Edition Demo letöltése

Magic City Detective: Wings Of Revenge Collector's Edition vásárlása

HK$ 52.00

Big Domini Pack vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

51 elemet tartalmaz: Criminal Archives: City on Fire Collector's Edition, Criminal Archives: Alphabetic Murders Collector's Edition, Criminal Archives: Murder in the Pages Collector's Edition, Criminal Archives: Blade of Deceit Collector's Edition, Connected Hearts: The Full Moon Curse Collector's Edition, Connected Hearts: Fortune Play Collector's Edition, Connected Hearts: The Musketeers Saga Collector's Edition, Connected Hearts: Cost of Beauty Collector's Edition, City Legends: The Curse of the Crimson Shadow Collector's Edition, City Legends: Trapped In Mirror Collector's Edition, City Legends: The Ghost of Misty Hill Collector's Edition, City Legends: The Witness in the Rye Collector's Edition, Hidden Motives: The Diamond Rush Collector's Edition, Magic City Detective: Wings Of Revenge Collector's Edition, Magic Сity Detective: Secret Desire Collector's Edition, Magic City Detective: Rage Under Moon Collector's Edition, Magic City Detective: Wrath of the Ocean Collector's Edition, Magic City Detective: The Carnival Begins Collector's Edition, Maze Of Realities: Flower Of Discord Collector's Edition, Maze Of Realities: Reflection Of Light Collector's Edition, Maze of Realities: Ride in the Sky Collector's Edition, Maze of Realities: Symphony of Invention Collector's Edition, Maze of Realities: Synergy of Worlds Collector's Edition, Myths or Reality: Fairy Lands Collector's Edition, Myth or Reality: Mystery of the Lake Collector's Edition, Myth Or Reality: Snowbound Secrets Collector's Edition, Mystical Riddles: Snowy Peak Hotel Collector's Edition, Mystical Riddles: Behind Doll’s Eyes Collector's Edition, Mystical Riddles: Ship From Beyond Collector's Edition, Mystical Riddles: Ghostly Park Collector's Edition, Mystical Riddles: Haunted Portraits Collector's Edition, Royal Legends: Marshes Curse Collector's Edition, Royal Legends: Raised in Exile Collector's Edition, Royal Romances: Battle of the Woods Collector's Edition, Royal Romances: Forbidden Magic Collector's Edition, Royal Romances: The Power of Chosen One Collector's Edition, Royal Romances: Endless Winter Collector's Edition, Royal Romances: Cursed Hearts Collector's Edition, Spirits Chronicles: Flower Of Hope Collector's Edition, Spirits Chronicles: Born in Flames Collector's Edition, Twin Mind: Murderous Jealousy Collector's Edition, Twin Mind: Power of Love Collector's Edition, Twin Mind: Ghost Hunter Collector's Edition, Twin Mind: Nobody's Here Collector's Edition, Twin Mind: The Deathly Trick Collector’s Edition, Unsolved Case: Fatal Clue Collector's Edition, Unsolved Case: Murderous Script Collector's Edition, Unsolved Case: The Scarlet Hyacinth Collector's Edition, Unsolved Case: Above the Law Collector's Edition, Unsolved Case: Killer Popularity Collector's Edition, Word of the Law: Death Mask Collector's Edition

HK$ 1,414.50
HK$ 1,236.90

A játékról

You are a magical detective who has received an invitation to the annual Venice Masquerade. This is an important event for magical creatures because they have the opportunity to move freely around the city. The beautiful masquerade ball ends when an evil magical creature appears and ruins the whole party. It's up to you to find out who this mysterious stranger is, who can bring statues to life? Where does he draw his magical power from to bring the two worlds together? And most importantly, can we stop him?
More fascinating mysteries are waiting for you to be found in this Hidden-Object Adventure Game!

This Collector's Edition includes:

Solve mini-games, puzzles and interesting riddles!
Gather collectibles and look for morphing objects!
Enjoy bonus materials that include concept art, wallpapers, music, and more!
Prevent an upcoming conflict between humans and merfolks in the Bonus Chapter!


    • Op. rendszer *: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
    • Processzor: 1.7 GHz
    • Memória: 1 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Verzió: 9.0
    • Tárhely: 1200 MB szabad hely
    • Op. rendszer *: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
    • Processzor: 2.0 GHz
    • Memória: 2 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Verzió: 9.0
    • Tárhely: 1200 MB szabad hely
* 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni.

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