Explore a mysterious hotel and infiltrate a cult in this FMV detective game, featuring a cast from GoT, The Witcher, and more. Every decision counts as you gather clues and question guests. Can you unearth the ominous secrets at The Isle Tide Hotel before it's too late to save your missing daughter?
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Verdeeld (175) - 64% van de 175 gebruikersrecensies voor dit spel zijn positief.
11 sep 2023

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Bekijk de volledige Wales Interactive-collectie op Steam


“One of the best thought out FMV games by Wales Interactive, a must play for fans of the genre and good entry point for newcomers.”
84/100 – Xbox Tavern

“A visually striking, unsettling FMV game with a memorable cast.”
8/10 – Digitally Downloaded

“It feels a little like what might happen if Wes Anderson directed an episode of Doctor Who”
The Guardian

Over dit spel

Explore a mysterious hotel and infiltrate a cult in this FMV detective game, featuring an award-winning cast from Game of Thrones, The Witcher, and more. Every decision counts as you gather clues and question guests. Can you unearth the ominous secrets at The Isle Tide Hotel before it's too late to save your missing daughter?

Open every three years for three nights, a strange mix of colourful characters hiding personal traumas gather to uncover the one thread binding them. Their search for the meaning of life. But tonight, this mysterious organisation must decide whether to break their own etiquettes and hand over a teenage girl to their elusive founder, Dr. Aniston, who promises her sacrifice will conclude their purpose.

How do you infiltrate the hotel? Will you coax your way into the cult? Do you discover the hidden lore, side quests and their dedicated endings or fail at any one of the ruthless narrative puzzles? Navigate a branching narrative with numerous ways to help rescue the daughter you’ve never met.

Main Features
A live action game which responds to your choices
7 main endings available with 14 different outcomes
Side quests which have dedicated endings
Real-time personality and cult association tracker
In-game chapter skip menu - but you have to earn it first

Narrative Features
A unique cult with its own rich history and rules
Paths blocked behind information
Cryptic notes to hidden endings
Hidden lore and ‘Easter eggs’ to discover
Sprawling dialogue options that make you see the same character in a different light

Michael D. Xavier (“Gentleman Jack”, “The Blacklist”) Jemima Rooper (“Flowers in the Attic: The Origin” (2022), “Matriarch” (2022-Hulu), Amit Shah (“Happy Valley", “The Witcher”) Richard Brake (“Game of Thrones”) Georgie Glen (“Call the Midwife”) Tristram Wymark (“Pennyworth”) Jessica Ellerby (“Pennyworth”, “Lovesick”) Joni Ayton-Kent (“The Watch")

Beschrijving inhoud voor volwassenen

De ontwikkelaars omschrijven de inhoud als volgt:

Dit spel kan inhoud bevatten die mogelijk niet geschikt is voor alle leeftijden of mogelijk niet geschikt is voor de werkomgeving: Veelvuldig geweld of bloed en ingewanden, Algemene inhoud voor volwassenen


    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows 7 32-bit
    • Processor: 2.0 GHz
    • Geheugen: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: DirectX 11.0 compatible video card
    • DirectX: Versie 11
    • Opslagruimte: 14 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Processor: 2.0 GHz
    • Geheugen: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: DirectX 11.0 compatible video card
    • DirectX: Versie 11
    • Opslagruimte: 14 GB beschikbare ruimte
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.
    • Besturingssysteem: macOS Mojave 10.14+
    • Processor: 2.0 GHz
    • Geheugen: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: Integrated Graphics
    • Opslagruimte: 14 GB beschikbare ruimte

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