The American Colonies, 1775. As a Native American assassin fights to protect his land and people, he will ignite the flames of a young nation’s revolution.
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20. nov. 2012

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Af Snarah Giveaway Cenral 2. april 2017

“great graphics”

Se hele Assassin's Creed-samlingen på Steam
Bemærk: Assassin’s Creed® III er ikke længere tilgængeligt i Steam-butikken.
Bemærk: Multiplayer- og online-funktioner er ikke længere tilgængelige for dette produkt.

Om dette spil

The American Colonies, 1775. It’s a time of civil unrest and political upheaval in the Americas. As a Native American assassin fights to protect his land and his people, he will ignite the flames of a young nation’s revolution.
Assassin’s Creed® III takes you back to the American Revolutionary War, but not the one you’ve read about in history books...

Key Features:

  • As a Native American assassin, eliminate your enemies with guns, bows, tomahawks, and more!
  • From bustling city streets to chaotic battlefields, play a critical role in the most legendary events of the American Revolution including the Battle of Bunker Hill and Great Fire of New York.
  • Experience the truth behind the most gruesome war in history: the American Revolution.
  • Introducing the Ubisoft-AnvilNext game engine, stunning new technology that will revolutionize gaming with powerful graphics, lifelike animations, immersive combat, and advanced physics.


    • OS *: Windows Vista® (SP2)
    • Processor: 2.60 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo E8200 or 2.60 GHz AMD Athlon™ II X4 620
    • Memory: 2 GB
    • Graphics: 512 MB DirectX® 10—compliant with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (see supported list)*
    • DirectX®: 10
    • Hard Drive: 17 GB
    • Sound: DirectX 10—compliant (5.1 surround sound recommended)
    • Multiplayer: 256 kbps or faster broadband connection
    • Peripherals: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
      *Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:

      AMD Radeon™ HD 4850 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000 series

      NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT / 9 / 200 / 400 / 500 / 600 series

      Laptop versions of these cards may work, but are not supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. For the most up-to-date minimum requirement listings, please visit the FAQ on our support website.

      Requires a Uplay Account
    • OS *: Windows Vista® (SP2)
    • Processor: 2.66 GHz Intel® Core™2 Quad Q9400 or 3.00 GHz AMD Phenom™ II X4 940
    • Memory: 4 GB
    • Graphics: 1024 MB DirectX® 10—compliant with Shader Model 5.0 or higher (see supported list)*
    • DirectX®: 10
    • Hard Drive: 17 GB
    • Sound: DirectX 10–compliant (5.1 surround sound recommended)
    • Multiplayer: 256 kbps or faster broadband connection
    • Peripherals: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
      *Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:

      AMD Radeon™ HD 4850 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000 series

      NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT / 9 / 200 / 400 / 500 / 600 series

      Laptop versions of these cards may work, but are not supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. For the most up-to-date minimum requirement listings, please visit the FAQ on our support website.

      Requires a Uplay Account
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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