Gene Wars is a WarSong(Langrisser) like turn-based game . You will lead the army of cells to fight for the jihad of creating life. Train soldiers and characters, master the combat between arms and defeat the enemy on the battlefield!
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24 okt 2023

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GeneWars kopen

Turn Based Tactics Bundle kopen BUNDEL (?)

Bevat 3 items: 眼中的世界 Conviction, Elsia War, GeneWars

NT$ 586


Over dit spel


The story is about the adventure of birth of life.
You will fight and advance as the 23008689th-born sperm cell, to fulfill your nature-born misssion, and leave a saga sung forever.
The genesis of life will be completed with your own hands, lead your 200-million army and march to the brave new world!


The 23008689th-born sperm cell, outcompeted in the cell tournament and thus won the title' The Sperm'.

A Sperm cell born 2113659235th. He's been tutoring the newcomer sperm cells in Adam ever since his failure to advance to the holy temple 'The Womb'.

Mr.T - T Cell
One of the Immunocytes in Adam with cold and reserved traits. Decided to help Sperm with the journey to Eve on a singular occasion.

Otto - Prostate
Hot-blooded and outgoing, he's one of the prostate cells. Due to his careless characteristics, he lost the bond with the organ once belonged to. Would hang around in important organs of Adam.

Cooper - Probby
One of the probiotics that tags along with the Prostate for an unknown reason. Provides various nutrients to enhance the host's immunosystem. Its species remained mysterious; Likes listening to Prostate talking.


Classic Strategy RPG
Classic turn-based strategy gameplay, your every single decision determines the fate of the battle.

Command your troops
Beside main characters, you can also train different types of cells to aid you in battle.

Gene Switch
Change the properties with the Gene Switch to adapt yourself to the battleground.

Free Experience distribution
No underused characters anymore, you can distribute experiences among characters freely.


SteamOS + Linux
    • Besturingssysteem *: window xp
    • Processor: 64 位元的處理器及作業系統
    • Geheugen: 4 GB RAM
    • Besturingssysteem: window 11
    • Processor: 64 位元的處理器及作業系統
    • Geheugen: 8 GB RAM
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.
    • Besturingssysteem: OS X
    • Processor: 64 位元的處理器及作業系統
    • Geheugen: 4 GB RAM
    • Besturingssysteem: OS X
    • Processor: 64 位元的處理器及作業系統
    • Geheugen: 4 GB RAM
    • Besturingssysteem: Ubuntu 14.04 or Steam OS 2.0 (64 bit)
    • Geheugen: 4 GB RAM

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