In this spinoff of beloved isometric H-RPG NTRAHOLIC, you play as Ryunosuke, the professional womanizer. Set your sights on Chiho, the gorgeous housewife next door, and use your newly-acquired demonic powers to corrupt her into your personal whore—or lose your soul!
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Vezi întreaga colecție CriticalBliss pe Steam
Nu este disponibil în limba: Română

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Dată de lansare planificată: 2025

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Descrierea conținutului destinat publicului matur

Dezvoltatorii descriu conținutul astfel:

All characters are over the age of 18.

Contains depictions of graphic sex in 2D art form. The player-controlled protagonist participates in consensual and non-consensual sex with multiple in-game characters.

Themes in this game include:

> Risqué outfits, sexual comments, and lewd situations
> Strong focus on cuckoldry/cheating (AKA "NTR")
> Fantasy sexual situations with exaggerated characters
> Various non-vanilla encounters, BDSM, and non-consensual sex
> Full female and male nudity
> Alcohol use
> Strong language

Despre acest joc


Two years ago, Chiho and her sweetheart Shota cemented their long-standing love for each other with a vow. These two turtledoves spend every day in bliss thanks to their earnest and wholesome love for each other. But this fairytale doesn't end happily ever after... or does it?

In this brand-new spinoff of the beloved hentai-RPG NTRAHOLIC, you play as Ryunosuke: a lucky scoundrel and professional womanizer. Fortunately for you, your uncle, in his last moments, bequeathed you two apartments that were right next to each other; one for you and the other to rent for a living.

As soon as you meet your new tenants, you can’t believe your eyes. A massive chest, thicc hips, a shy innocent smile—this one-in-a-million babe is wasted on a guy like Shota! You decide it's time to do what you do best.

Corrupting such a pure, steadfast love would be damn near impossible, even for a guy like you. Luckily, like every landlord, you have a friend in dark places: a quirky ancient succubus named Lilith. Lilith, your demonic wing-woman, offers you a bit of "extra help". Use your newly obtained powers to break Chiho, claim her for yourself, and corrupt her into your personal whore!

But deals with the devil always come with stipulations. You only have a short time to transform this sweet housewife into a cock-starved slut or Lilith will devour your soul! Make no mistake—your life AND your libido are on the line.


  • Crisp, artful mix of both isometric pixel-art and hand-drawn graphics, including tons of animations!

  • A sexy slow-burn story! Enjoy watching Chiho fall into depravity as you chip away at her defenses one by one.

  • Brand-new quests, locations, characters, and more not seen in the original NTRAHOLIC!

  • The housewife's not the only one up for grabs. Meet and conquer a unique cast of blazing-hot side characters!

  • Rope Shota into your perverse designs and be the bull to his cuck!

  • A cohesive assortment of RPG mechanics that blends the tried-and-true isometric H-game with all-new minigames, quests, character progression, and more. Play smart to keep your soul and get the girl(s)!

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO *: Windows 7 64bit OS
    • Procesor: Core i3
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Nvidia GTX 650 Ti
    • Stocare: 4 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10 64bit OS
    • Procesor: Core i5
    • Memorie: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Nvidia GTX 650 Ti
    • Stocare: 4 MB spațiu disponibil
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
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