Hotline Miami es un juego de acción de alto octanaje que rebosa brutalidad es estado puro, violentos tiroteos y demoledores combates cuerpo a cuerpo.
Reseñas recientes:
Extremadamente positivas (1,127) - El 95 % de las 1,127 reseñas de los usuarios en los últimos 30 días son positivas.
Reseñas generales:
Extremadamente positivas (87,295) - El 97 % de las 87,295 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
23 OCT 2012

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Comprar Hotline Miami x Ultros PACK (?)

Incluye 2 artículo(s): Hotline Miami, Ultros

¥ 4,248
¥ 2,347

Comprar Hotline Miami x The Hong Kong Massacre PACK (?)

Incluye 2 artículo(s): Hotline Miami, The Hong Kong Massacre

¥ 3,150


“Hotline Miami is an immaculate super-violent top-down action game.”
10/10 – Eurogamer

“You could argue that HOTLINE MIAMI is brilliant, vital, a tactical and aesthetic masterpiece as well as a pixel-art odyssey of ice-cold violence. It is.”
Rock Paper Shotgun

“It's a game time-traveled in directly from the fear-center of Tipper Gore's brain, circa 1989. It's pure, unadulterated nihilism with a candy-coated shell. And I'll be damned if it isn't one of the most intoxicating games of this year.”
5/5 – Giant Bomb

Acerca de este juego

Hotline Miami is a high-octane action game overflowing with raw brutality, hard-boiled gunplay and skull crushing close combat. Set in an alternative 1989 Miami, you will assume the role of a mysterious antihero on a murderous rampage against the shady underworld at the behest of voices on your answering machine. Soon you'll find yourself struggling to get a grip of what is going on and why you are prone to these acts of violence.

Rely on your wits to choreograph your way through seemingly impossible situations as you constantly find yourself outnumbered by vicious enemies. The action is unrelenting and every shot is deadly so each move must be quick and decisive if you hope to survive and unveil the sinister forces driving the bloodshed. Hotline Miami’s unmistakable visual style, a driving soundtrack, and a surreal chain of events will have you question your own thirst for blood while pushing you to the limits with a brutally unforgiving challenge.

Descripción del contenido para adultos

Los desarrolladores describen su contenido así:

Este juego puede incluir contenido no apto para todas las edades o para verlo en el trabajo: Violencia o gore frecuentes, Contenido general para adultos

Requisitos del sistema

SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *:Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7
    • Processor:1.2GHz processor
    • Memory:512 MB RAM
    • Graphics:DirectX 8-compatible graphics card with at least 32MB of video memory
    • DirectX®:9.0c
    • Hard Drive:250 MB HD space
    • Additional:Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller or Direct Input compatible controller, OpenGL 2.x or better highly recommended.
    • OS *:Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7
    • Processor:1.4GHz processor or faster
    • Memory:1 GB RAM
    • Graphics:DirectX 8-compatible graphics card with at least 32MB of video memory
    • DirectX®:9.0c
    • Hard Drive:250 MB HD space
    • Additional:Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller or Direct Input compatible controller
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.
    • OS:Mac OS 10.6+
    • Processor:2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or better
    • Memory:1 GB RAM
    • Hard Drive:130 MB HD space
    • OS:Mac OS 10.6+
    • Processor:2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or better
    • Memory:2 GB RAM
    • Hard Drive:130 MB HD space
* A partir del 15 de febrero de 2024, el cliente de Steam dejará de ser compatible con juegos de 32 bits y macOS 10.14 o versiones anteriores.
    • Processor:1.8 GHz Dual-Core
    • Memory:512 MB
    • Hard Drive:130 MB HD space
    • Note: 32-bit only [/list]

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