Paranormal Cleanup is a 1-4 player online co-op survival horror game. This is no ordinary clean-up job. You are employees of a cleaning company tasked with cleaning up haunted houses. Take out the trash, but don't get caught by the ghosts that haunt the place!
Todas as análises:
Ligeiramente positivas (341) - 78% das 341 análises de usuários deste jogo são positivas.
Data de lançamento:

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Jogo com acesso antecipado

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Observação: jogos em acesso antecipado não estão completos e podem ou não sofrer alterações no futuro. Caso não esteja com vontade de jogá-lo no estado atual, aconselhamos esperar até que o desenvolvimento esteja mais adiantado. Saiba mais

Aviso: a última atualização pelos desenvolvedores foi há mais de 14 meses. As informações e o cronograma descritos pelos desenvolvedores aqui podem estar desatualizados.
O que os desenvolvedores têm a dizer:

Por que acesso antecipado?

"I want you to be able to play the game as early as possible, as I want to shape this game together with the community. You will be able to suggest and vote on upcoming features."

Por quanto tempo aproximadamente este jogo estará em acesso antecipado?

"1 to 2 years, depending on what the community decides on what to add to the game."

Como a versão completa será diferente da versão de acesso antecipado?

"Depending on what the community suggests, the full version will probably have multiple maps with different paranormal themes. Players will have to do different cleaning tasks and have to face all kinds of paranormal enemies. Some kind of player progression will probably be added, too."

Qual é o estado atual da versão de acesso antecipado?

"At early access release the game contains everything you need to get spooked and laugh with your friends. The must-haves for a good horror experience are already in the game.

Additional details are in the 'About This Game' Section. Everything you can read about on this page is already implemented in the game."

O preço do jogo será alterado após o fim do acesso antecipado?

"The price won't change during early access but the price will increase upon release."

Como vocês planejam envolver a comunidade durante o processo de desenvolvimento?

"The community will be able to suggest and vote on upcoming features. Your feedback will influence the development of the game. You can talk about features and bugs in the Steam Discussions and on my discord server."
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Comprar Manic Mice Multiplayer Horror CONJUNTO (?)

Inclui 2 itens: Lunch Lady, Paranormal Cleanup

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Comprar Manic Mice Complete Pack CONJUNTO (?)

Inclui 4 itens: Lunch Lady, Paranormal Cleanup, Misery Mansion, Champs TD

¥ 3,706
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Sobre este jogo


Paranormal Cleanup is a multiplayer horror game where up to 4 players take on the role of employees of a cleaning company tasked with cleaning up haunted houses. You must work together to complete your mission, all while avoiding the relentless pursuit of the ghosts who haunt the halls.


You are an employee of a cleaning company tasked with cleaning up various locations. But this is no ordinary clean-up job - the locations are haunted.

The task is pretty simple - all you have to do is dispose moldy pizzas, unclog some toilets and clean up some trash here and there. But beware, ghosts are lurking, and they're not happy about your presence. You'll need to be smart and stealthy as you clean up, as every action you take will increase the ghosts anger. Can you complete your cleaning missions, or will the ghosts get you?


The game is available in early access, meaning that it's not going to be completely finished yet and might contain bugs, but you'll still be able to play and enjoy the horror experience. As I continue to develop the game, I'll be adding more maps, enemies, and features. I want to shape this game together with the community to create a game full of mystery, suspense, and laughs.


  • Up to 4 Player Online Co-op Multiplayer
    Survive together with your friends or struggle alone, if you have none
  • Proximity Voice Chat
    Nothing better than hearing your "friends" scream in the distance
  • Replayability
    Each Playthrough is different. All Item Locations and Ghost Events are randomized.
  • Spooky AI
    A ghost will do what a ghost wants to do
  • Scaling Difficulty
    Every action you take will influence the ghosts behavior
  • Immersive 3D Audio
    Enjoy the spooky atmosphere while you hide in a closet

This game contains flashing lights that may make it unsuitable for people with photosensitive epilepsy or other photosensitive conditions. Player discretion is advised.

Descrição do conteúdo adulto

Descrição dos desenvolvedores sobre o conteúdo:

Warning: contains scary ghosts.

Requisitos de sistema

    • Requer um processador e sistema operacional de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 7 - 64bit
    • Processador: Intel i5 or new-gen i3 / AMD equivalent
    • Memória: 4 GB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: ATI HD7900 series or NVIDIA equivalent.
    • DirectX: Versão 11
    • Armazenamento: 5 GB de espaço disponível
    • Outras observações: This is the lowest tested hardware that could run the game on medium settings.
    • Requer um processador e sistema operacional de 64 bits
* A partir do dia 1º de janeiro de 2024, o cliente Steam será compatível apenas com o Windows 10 ou posterior.

Análises de usuários para Paranormal Cleanup

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Jogado principalmente no Steam Deck
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