Apewar is an online tactical and action FPS/TPS monkey war game adapted from real life. Build your monkey team and fight against your enemies. By playing in a coordinated way, you can have fun and win with a good strategy. Monkeys are strong together!
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24 Mar 2023

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Game Akses Dini

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Catatan: Game Akses Dini adalah produk yang belum selesai dan mungkin tidak akan berubah lebih lanjut. Jika kamu tidak berminat untuk memainkan game ini dalam kondisinya saat ini, kamu harus menunggu untuk melihat jika game ini terus dikembangkan. Pelajari lebih lanjut

Prakata dari pengembang:

Kenapa harus Akses Dini?

“We would like to improve the Apewar based on your feedback. We enter early access with a quality foundation of the game and we will be open to all suggestions, designs and feature ideas from our community. After the Early Access release, we will release the project's Roadmap to show our development plans in the coming days.”

Berapa lama game ini akan berada dalam Akses Dini?

“We don't have a precise timeframe yet, but we anticipate that this will be anything between 12 and 16 months.”

Apa perbedaan antara versi penuh dan versi Akses Dini?

“The Early Access version of Apewar is a solid foundation of the game to be built. During the Early Access, we plan to polish the first version by adding new maps, units, weapons and game modes, with bug fixes, balance patches and content updates.”

Apa status saat ini dari versi Akses Dini ini?

“For detailed information about the current version of the game, you can read the description of the game.”

Apakah harga game akan berbeda selama dan setelah Akses Dini?

“Yeah. Apewar will be on sale at a cheaper price to raise the price in the full version during Early Access.”

Seperti apakah rencana untuk melibatkan Komunitas dalam proses pengembangan?

“The main idea behind Early Access was to develop and organize the game based on community feedback. We aim to be accessible, so we encourage people to speak directly to us through our official forums and social media channels. We read everything, even if it does not always answer. We also want to be transparent with our future development plans and we will reveal the Road Map of the project shortly after it is released.”
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Tentang Game Ini

Apewar is an online tactical and action FPS/TPS monkey war game adapted from real life. Build your monkey team and fight against your enemies. Defend the bananas! By playing the game in a coordinated way, you can have fun and win with a good strategy. You can have fun moments in the game with many map options. Remember the saying: Monkeys are strong together!

Get support from artificial intelligence bots while building your team in the game. Place bot players on your team to strengthen your army. Find and drive and control a number of vehicles only in certain areas of the maps. You can crush the monkeys in the enemy team with your vehicle. You can taste the realism in the game. For example, if you stay too long in the sea, you will drown and die.

The game has Free for All, Team Deathmatch and a Grab Banana mode. The most entertaining one among these modes is that both teams are trying to reach. You have limited time to seize these bananas and take them to your area. Since these bananas are located in the area of the map where there is the most combat and action, you may be shot and killed by the enemies while you pick up the banana and transport it to your area!

The Gombe Chimpanzee War is a series of violent conflicts between two chimpanzee communities in Gombe National Park, Tanzania, that lasted from 1974 to 1978. Researcher Jane Goodall, director of the Gombe Stream Research Center, wrote in her memoir “Through a Window: My Thirty Years with the Chimpanzees of Gombe”: “For several years I struggled to face this new reality. Most of the time I woke up at night because of scary images coming to my mind. Satan [one of the monkeys] clasped his hand under his chin to drink the blood gushing from a large wound on the Sniff's face... Old Rodolf, who was mostly kind and calm, slammed Godi's slumped body with a four-pound stone. . Jomeo rips a piece of meat from Dé's thigh... Figan repeatedly attacks and hits the scarred, trembling body of Goliath, one of his childhood heroes... »

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS: Microsoft Windows® 10 - 11
    • Prosesor: Intel i3 Series
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafis: 4GB
    • DirectX: Versi 11
    • Jaringan: Koneksi Internet Broadband
    • Penyimpanan: 600 MB ruang tersedia
    • OS: Microsoft Windows® 10 - 11
    • Prosesor: Intel i5 Series
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafis: 6GB
    • DirectX: Versi 11
    • Jaringan: Koneksi Internet Broadband
    • Penyimpanan: 600 MB ruang tersedia

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