Rogue Legacy is a genealogical rogue-"LITE" where anyone can be a hero. Each time you die, your child will succeed you. Every child is unique. One child might be colorblind, another might be a dward with have vertigo. But that's OK, because no one is perfect, and you don't have to be to succeed.
Legutóbbi értékelések:
Nagyon pozitív (24) - 24 felhasználói értékelésből 91% pozitív az utóbbi 30 napban.
Minden értékelés:
Nagyon pozitív (15,513) - E játék 15,513 felhasználói értékeléséből 92% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2013. jún. 27.

Jelentkezz be, hogy ezt a tételt a kívánságlistádhoz adhasd, követhesd vagy mellőzöttnek jelölhesd.

A Magyar nyelv nem támogatott.

Ez a termék nem támogatja a nálad beállított nyelvet. Kérjük, vásárlás előtt tekintsd át a támogatott nyelvek listáját.

Rogue Legacy vásárlása

KÜLÖNLEGES AJÁNLAT! Az ajánlat vége: március 20.

HK$ 95.00
HK$ 19.00

Rogue Legacy + Full Metal Furies Super Discount Bundle Bundle Bundle vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Rogue Legacy, Full Metal Furies

HK$ 176.00
HK$ 35.20


"...a hugely compelling mix of 2D action-platforming and Roguelike game design." 9/10

"Rogue Legacy is a must-play, and a steal at its $15 price tag." 90/100

"Rogue Legacy rewarded my patience and tenacity; that's a lesson any developer can take from its twisted family tree." 9/10

"This is a game that won't just eat up your time, but it will devour it." 8.5/10

"... an immensely rewarding action game that strikes a terrific balance between permadeath and progress." 8.5/10

A játékról

Rogue Legacy is a genealogical rogue-"LITE" where anyone can be a hero.

Each time you die, your child will succeed you. Every child is unique. One child might be colorblind, another might have vertigo-- they could even be a dwarf.

That's OK, because no one is perfect, and you don't have to be perfect to win this game. But you do have to be pretty darn good because this game is HARD. Fortunately, every time you die all the gold you've collected can be used to upgrade you manor, giving your next child a step up in life and another chance at vanquishing evil.

But you shouldn't listen to me. You should check out the trailer. It explains the game better then I ever could.

If you really want to READ about this game though, then you should check out our bullet list below.

Here's what Rogue Legacy IS:

  • A procedurally generated adventure. Explore new castles with every life.
  • Rogue-lite. Your character dies, but with each passing your lineage grows and becomes stronger.
  • Tons of unique traits that makes each playthrough special. Ever wanted to be dyslexic? Now you can!
  • More than 8 classes to choose from (9)! Each class has unique abilities that change the way you play the game.
  • Over 60 different enemies to test your skills against. Hope you like palette-swaps!
  • Massive, expandable skill tree. Rack in the loot to upgrade your manor and give your successors a cutting edge.
  • Oh yeah, there's a Blacksmith and an Enchantress shop but we forgot to show them in the trailer...
  • Equip your heroes with powerful weaponry and armor. Or gain new abilities like flight, dash, and air jumping.
  • Tons of secrets and easter eggs to uncover... or are there? Yes there are.
  • Got a controller? Play with a controller. Big Picture ready.
  • Clowns.


SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *:Windows XP/Vista/7
    • Processor:1.6 Ghz
    • Memory:1 GB RAM
    • Graphics:X1950 Pro, 7900 GT
    • DirectX®:9.0c
    • Hard Drive:400 MB HD space
    • Additional:Only available in desktop mode for Windows 8.
    • OS *:Windows XP/Vista/7
    • Processor:2 Ghz
    • Memory:2 GB RAM
    • Graphics:HD 4770, 8800 GTX
    • DirectX®:9.0c
    • Hard Drive:400 MB HD space
    • Additional:Only available in desktop mode for Windows 8.
* 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni.
    • OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.8, 32/64-bit
    • Processor: Dual Core CPU
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics: OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable)
    • Hard Drive: 400 MB HD space
    • OS: glibc 2.15+, 32/64-bit. S3TC support is NOT required.
    • Processor: Dual Core CPU
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics: OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable)
    • Hard Drive: 400 MB HD space

A(z) Rogue Legacy vásárlói értékelései




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