As a new Merchant in the bustling city of Rosewall you'll manage your own shop, craft artisan goods, hire Companions, and even unravel a mystery of the city! Immerse yourself in a fantasy world where conflict is a thing of the past in this visual novel meets shopkeeper simulator.
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Çıkış Tarihi:
4 Mar 2025

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Planlanan Çıkış Tarihi: 4 Mar 2025

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Bu Oyun Hakkında

Rosewall’s strength has always come from its people. Who better to run a city than the people who built and live in it? As a new face in town, you’ll have to find your own path while confronting the costs, hidden and real, of doing things the old way.

  • Single-player, story-driven experience set in a fantasy world where weapons and war are a thing of the past.

  • Your own shop with views of your storefront and workshops that can also be customized with décor sets.

  • Gameplay split into three phases over the course of an in-game day: prep, shop, and off-hours. Manage your employees and keep up with a busy calendar of events.

  • A colorful cast of NPCs keep you on your toes; each of you employees have a unique story to tell, as well as passive bonuses to help your shop grow.

In Merchants of Rosewall, you’ll set up your own shop and fill it with what the citizens of Rosewall desire. You’ll need plenty of resources, long days of work, and a crew of talented and creative Companions to help you succeed in the cultural and commercial hub of continent of Belvedera, where weapons have been made illegal and war is a thing of the past. 

To keep up with the quotas set by Estoq Trading Company, you’ll have to use your profits to bring in even more resources and employees to maintain your shop’s profits. Invest in your Companions and learn their stories to unlock new recipes and game-changing perks. 

As you settle into your rhythms, you'll face all kinds of challenges—fickle clients, stingy suppliers, personal dilemmas from your staff, demanding bosses, and more—that could change how you see the city, your shop, and the world. 

As you grow your shop, stories from the past will shape the relationships you form and the choices you make. Finding the best folks to hire is only the first step: You’ll need to look to Rosewall’s Orcs, Giants, Elves, and more to get ahead of the curve. 

Through nuanced and complex conversations with dozens of unique characters, players will choose what products to make based on available supplies, customer demand, and the skill of their Companions. Fulfilling a large order can be good for your pocketbook, but what if a sudden change in the weather causes the cost of your go-to ingredients to skyrocket? All the while, you’ll unravel a mystery that could impact everyone—including you, your customers, and your Companions—in Rosewall. 

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
    • İşlemci: Intel Celeron G6900 (4-Core) / AMD FX-6350 (6-Core)
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: Intel HD 620, or NVIDIA Quadro T500
    • DirectX: Sürüm 12
    • Ağ: Genişbant İnternet bağlantısı
    • Depolama: 10 GB kullanılabilir alan
    • İlave Notlar: Video Card Memoery (VRAM): 3 GB
    • 64-bit işlemci ve işletim sistemi gerektirir
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
    • İşlemci: Intel Core i7-2700K (4-Core) / AMD FX-8350 (8-Core)
    • Bellek: 4 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660, or Radeon RX 5600
    • DirectX: Sürüm 12
    • Ağ: Genişbant İnternet bağlantısı
    • Depolama: 10 GB kullanılabilir alan
    • İlave Notlar: Video Card Memory (VRAM): 4 GB
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