Sluggerpunk is a gripping 2D survivors roguelike adventure. As you navigate through a myriad of challenges, hone your skills and strategies to clash with formidable foes lurking in the underground. Build a versatile arsenal of abilities and gear to enhance your chances to survive, but will you?
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1. maj 2024

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Spil Sluggerpunk


Om dette spil

About This Game

Dive deep into the underground world of Sluggerpunk, where shadows loom large and danger lurks around every corner. Here, beneath the surface of a corrupt city, you arm yourself with nothing but a trusty baseball bat and baseballs to beat back the darkness and carve out a legend all your own.

Make yourself stronger by buying powerful upgrades from Telebi's shop. Shock, burn and blast your enemies into oblivion by combining up to five items, creating your own unique way of fighting the perilous underground. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer seeking the ultimate edge or a newcomer eager to embark on your journey, our shop has something for everyone.

Key Features:

  • Fight enemies using your baseballs and bat by giving them bullet hell.
  • Find and equip items that will grant you new abilities to fend off enemies. Mix and match them to see what builds you can come up with!
  • Defeat the Grand Master Boss, and rob him of his golden crown.
  • Survive in an arena mode that will require every possible trick you got up your sleeve. The longer you survive the stronger you, and the enemies, get.


    • Styresystem: Window 10
    • Processor: Dual Core+
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 1 GB RAM
    • Diskplads: 100 MB tilgængelig plads

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