The setting is Yakushima in 1999. A story depicting Aegis' unknown past.
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5. juni 2024

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Kjøp G-MODEアーカイブス+ ペルソナ3 アイギス THE FIRST MISSION

Kjøp 「G-MODEアーカイブス+」ペルソナ コレクション PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 2 produkt: G-MODEアーカイブス+ ペルソナ3 アイギス THE FIRST MISSION, G-MODEアーカイブス+ 女神異聞録ペルソナ 異空の塔編

HK$ 183.60

Om spillet

This work features "Aegis" who appeared in "Persona 3" (released in 2006) as the main character.

A 3D action RPG distributed on feature phones as a side story.

The story takes place in 1999 at the Kirijo Ergonomics Institute in Yakushima.

When the Type 7 Aegis arrives on the island, an incident occurs during a training exercise.

The past story of "Aegis", which was never told in the main story "Persona 3", is now revealed...

In addition to original characters, characters that appeared in the main story also appear!

Additionally, the familiar "Persona" system from the series is still alive and well in this game.

Raise Aigis' level, strengthen her equipment, and conquer the shadows that appear on the island.

【Game System】

As you defeat enemies, you will gain experience points and Aegis will level up. You can also purchase equipment using the money you get along with experience points. In particular, there are three types of weapons, each with their own unique attack methods, so it's fun to switch them out depending on the battle situation and preference.

Equipment can be purchased at the "Workshop" in the "Lab". The workshop also sells other items, which have effects such as restoring Aegis' hit points.

The "persona" that can be said to be a feature of the original work is alive and well in this work. Help Aegis with powerful attacks and support skills. However, once used, "SP (Soul Points)" will be consumed, and it cannot be used until the gauge returns to full through recovery over time.

Persona will learn new skills when Aegis's level reaches a certain level.


The setting of this work is Yakushima, 10 years before the main story "Persona 3". In addition to the original characters of this work, characters that appeared in the main story will also appear and color the story.

Aegis exercises held on an island surrounded by nature. “A certain incident” happened during that time…

A story related to Aegis' past that was never told in the main story will now be revealed.

Original characters with strong personalities just like the original. What kind of relationship will they have with Aegis from 10 years ago?


    • OS *: Windows 7 SP1+
    • Prosessor: 2 Ghz Dual Core
    • Minne: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
    • DirectX: Versjon 10
    • Lagring: 500 MB tilgjengelig plass
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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