Platoon Commander is a Real-Time Strategy game focused on the German advance toward Moscow in the fall and winter of 1941. It combines real-time tactical battles with a turn-based campaign map.
Minden értékelés:
Többnyire negatív (20) - E demó 20 felhasználói értékelésének 30%-a pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2025. jan. 20.

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Ingyenes demó

Platoon Commander Demo indítása

Teljes játék megnézése


E demóról

Platoon Commander is a Real-Time Strategy game focused on the German advance toward Moscow in the fall and winter of 1941. It combines real-time tactical battles with a turn-based campaign map. You can make decisions about the pace of the advance, switch to defensive strategies when necessary, and manage your army, considering weather conditions and the passing of time.

Demo contents

The demo of Platoon Commander offers a dive experience of the game where you can step into the role of a German commander during the autumn of 1941, tasked with capturing and holding a Soviet village. You, as commander, can customize your platoon, selecting a mix of infantry, armor, and artillery to build an effective fighting force. The mission begins with an offensive push to seize the village from the Red Army. You can lead to a subsequent battle under shifting weather conditions, where you must defend against a Soviet counterattack. The greater the losses in the first battle, the more difficult it will be to repel the counter-attack in the second battle.

Key Features

  • Realistic Visibility Mechanics: advanced visibility calculation system for different types of troops, tied to landscape types.

  • Fully Interactive Environments: It is possible to destroy buildings, decimate forests with artillery fire, or crush obstacles like fences using tanks to reshape the battlefield.

  • Psychological Simulation of Troops: Morale and psychological states influence unit performance under fire, adding depth to troop management.

  • Artillery and Smoke Screens: Possibility of requesting artillery support and setting up smoke screens

  • Sophisticated Ballistic Model: Accurate physics-based mechanics, including ricochets and realistic armor penetration, ensuring tank warfare feels authentic.

Demo Units List

Red Army units:

  • PTRS and PTRD anti-tank rifle units

  • M-30 122-mm howitzer

  • T-26 and T-34'41 tanks

  • Mosin and PPSh-41 infantry

Wehrmacht units:

  • Panzerbuchse 1939 anti-tank rifle squad

  • 3.7cm Pak 36 anti-tank gun

  • Pz.Kpfw. III F tank

  • Kar98k and MP 40 infantry

The full game will feature an even broader selection.


    • Op. rendszer: 64-bit Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GTX 1060 (6GB)
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 10 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
    • Op. rendszer: 64-bit Windows 11
    • Processzor: Intel Core i7 or equivalent
    • Memória: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafika: RTX 3070 (8Gb)
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 10 MB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

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