Play the free prologue of Liquor Store Simulator. Purchase goods, equipment, and manage your store. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one to turn a small shop into a real alcohol empire.
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7. mars 2025

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Spill Liquor Store Simulator: Prologue


Om spillet

Liquor Store Simulator: Prologue is a free prologue to the game Liquor Store Simulator about building and growing your own store. You start your business in a small shop that you bought on credit.

At first, it won’t be easy—you’ll have to work the cash register yourself, accept deliveries, keep track of inventory, and maintain order in the sales area. But hard work and smart decisions will help you turn this modest store into a thriving business with a wide selection of products and satisfied customers.

In this free prologue, we invite you to explore some of the mechanics we’ve prepared for you. We’ve created a lot of content, but we’ve saved most of it for the full release, which is coming very soon! In the meantime, add the full version of Liquor Store Simulator to your wishlist and enjoy the prologue!


Purchase goods, arrange store equipment as you see fit.

Alcohol Licenses

Buy alcohol licenses. This will give you access to more expensive and premium drinks.


Change the color of walls, ceilings, and floors. Make your store unique and unlike any other.


Expand the sales area and storage space. This will allow you to offer your customers an even wider variety of products.


    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosessor: Intel Core i5
    • Minne: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GTX 1060
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 3 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosessor: Intel Core i5
    • Grafikk: GTX 1060
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 3 GB tilgjengelig plass

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