Not The Name We Wanted is the ruthless Snake-like parody of that infamous driving game set in the UK. Join us on a shonky hand-drawn voyage across Britain’s green and pleasant lands. Play as Daffyd, Darren and British PM David Cameron in this satirical cult-hit game. Not for the easily offended.
All Reviews:
Very Positive (2,583) - 87% of the 2,583 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
2 Jul, 2015

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Curator Review

By ReaCH瑞曲星伺服器 19 July, 2015

“The best graphic design 2015 - Reachhl2”

Notice: NotTheNameWeWanted is no longer available on the Steam store.


“...the kind of blunt satire of which even South Park might think better.”

“Definitely one of the most British games I've ever played”
Jim Sterling

“Repeatedly smash David Cameron into a wall... the most satisfying game mechanic ever created”

About This Game

Not The Name We Wanted is a parody.

It is definitely, positively and legally, NOT that carjacking game that seemed to do so well.

This top-selling short tour of the glories of the UK’s M4 corridor is easy to play, hard to master, addictive, very funny, and stupidly cheap.

100% of the profits from this game go to young people’s charity Peer Productions. Without Peer Productions the NotGames team would never have met. By buying this game you can help us pay something back.

NotGames: Sticking it to the virtual man since about ten minutes ago.

Q: Is it meant to look that bad?
A: Yes.

Q: Really?
A: Yes. Really. It's satire. Like South Park.

Q: Is it meant to be just Snake?
A: Again, yes. That's kinda the point of the satire, see?

Q: So why should I buy it exactly?
A: We guarantee it'll be the funniest game of Snake you've ever played. Especially if you know anything about the UK. Or an infamous driving game. Or have, you know, a sense of humour.

System Requirements

SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *: Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
    • Processor: 1.5 Ghz
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Storage: 200 MB available space
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
    • OS: MacOS 10.10.3
    • Processor: 1.5 Ghz
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Storage: 200 MB available space
* Starting February 15, 2024, the Steam Client will no longer support 32-bit games or macOS 10.14 or lower.
    • OS: Ubuntu 14.04
    • Processor: 1.5 Ghz
    • Storage: 200 MB available space

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