Wage war with five factions, each with unique abilities, in the original game of strategy and world domination!
Усі рецензії:
переважно схвальні (1,097) - 72% з 1,097 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.

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Увага: Застосунок RISK™: Factions більше не доступний у крамниці Steam.

Про цю гру

Wage war with five factions, each with unique abilities, in the original game of strategy and world domination! Play with classic rules or reign supreme with objective-based and world conquest scenarios as you command your army and take tactical gambles to win the day. Then challenge your friends in online multiplayer and see how you stack up on the leaderboards.

Key Features:

Five unique factions with different strengths:

  • Play as the Human, Cat, Robot, Undead, or Yeti army!

Campaign Mode:

  • Play through the campaign mode to unlock new factions

Online Multiplayer:

  • Fight for world domination in Online Matches
  • Invite friends to play Online
  • See how you stack up on the RISK Leaderboards

New ways to play:

  • Play objective-based or world conquest scenarios
  • Play on new maps with dynamic terrain. Flood enemies out of territories
  • Avoid nuclear fallout, and control missile silos to gain the strategic upper hand.
  • Unleash Overkill moments based on the dice roll
  • Enjoy fun and quirky animated battles
  • New Drag and Drop Fast Battle attack
  • Unlock Achievements during game play

Системні вимоги

    • OS: Windows XP with Service Pack 3
    • Processor: 2GHz CPU (Pentium 4 or equivalent)
    • Memory: 1GB RAM (2GB for Vista)
    • Video Card: GPU capable of Pixel Shader 3.0 or better
    • VRAM: 256MB
    • DirectX®: 9c or later
    • Video Playback;: Windows Media Feature pack must be installed
* З 1 січня 2024 року клієнт Steam буде підтримувати лише Windows 10 чи новіші версії цієї ОС.

Користувацькі рецензії на RISK™: Factions

Тип рецензії

Тип придбання


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