You are a Bigfoot hunter with an important mission: to put an end to rumours once and for all and prove to yourself that Bigfoot is not just a myth or an invention of the mind...
Análises recentes:
Muito positivas (157) - 82% das 157 análises de usuários dos últimos 30 dias são positivas.
Todas as análises:
Muito positivas (16,308) - 83% das 16,308 análises de usuários deste jogo são positivas.
Data de lançamento:

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Jogo com acesso antecipado

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Observação: jogos em acesso antecipado não estão completos e podem ou não sofrer alterações no futuro. Caso não esteja com vontade de jogá-lo no estado atual, aconselhamos esperar até que o desenvolvimento esteja mais adiantado. Saiba mais

Aviso: a última atualização pelos desenvolvedores foi há mais de 16 meses. As informações e o cronograma descritos pelos desenvolvedores aqui podem estar desatualizados.
O que os desenvolvedores têm a dizer:

Por que acesso antecipado?

"We chose early access because the game is still being developed. It is important for
us to get feedback from players and to improve the gameplay. The game will be
actively elaborated and updated."

Por quanto tempo aproximadamente este jogo estará em acesso antecipado?

"We are planning for the game to be in early access before the end of 2025."

Como a versão completa será diferente da versão de acesso antecipado?

"The full version of the game will have several hunting locations, modified game logic,
improved AI of Bigfoot and other animals improved optimization and graphics."

Qual é o estado atual da versão de acesso antecipado?

"We have gone to great lengths to create the believable behaviour of Bigfoot. You
have to choose one of the four hunters and catch this mystical creature. Many items
and gadgets have been added.
There is a co-op of up to four players accomplished in the game, the complexity of
the game depends on the number of players in one session."

O preço do jogo será alterado após o fim do acesso antecipado?

"The final version of the game will not differ in price."

Como vocês planejam envolver a comunidade durante o processo de desenvolvimento?

"We closely monitor the reaction of the players on YouTube and on the
Steam forums.
Players can also contact us via e-mail and report the bugs
found or suggest their ideas for improving the game process."
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Sobre este jogo

BIGFOOT is a survival horror game about hunting Bigfoot. There are 2 modes available: you can play against Bigfoot controlled by AI, or another player can play as the monster.

Eyewitnesses often mention its enormous size, incredible strength, and elusiveness. For many years, researchers searched for him, but no one could provide evidence of his existence.

You are a Bigfoot hunter with an important mission: to put an end to rumours once and for all and prove to yourself that Bigfoot is not just a myth or an invention of the mind... His existence is real, real enough to make your blood run cold. Collect ammunition, study the terrain, and defend yourself from predators. You must use everything available to you to avoid becoming the bottom link of the food chain and to survive the wilderness of the American wildlife sanctuaries.

Playing as Hunter

  • Gather a team of Bigfoot hunters among your friends or go alone.

  • Arm yourself with the most modern equipment, your only chance to fight off Bigfoot.

  • Use the tools at hand and your own cunning to increase your chances of survival.

  • Remember, there are other predators in dark forests.

  • Engage in a fight with an ancient primate, but remember that sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted.

Playing as Bigfoot

  • People have begun to trespass too much; protect your territory from uninvited guests.

  • Get food to become stronger.

  • Use the skills of a predator and unique abilities to hunt people.

  • Darkness is your friend, fear binds the hearts of your enemies.

  • Arrange ambushes and set traps; your victims will not be safe from you.

  • Or just rip out the road sign and charge into battle!


  • Several US national parks to explore.

  • Single Player mode.

  • Online co-op with up to 4 players in the mode against Bigfoot under the control of AI.

  • Online co-op with up to 5 players in the mode against Bigfoot under the player's control.

  • The game is being developed on Unreal Engine 4.

Descrição do conteúdo adulto

Descrição dos desenvolvedores sobre o conteúdo:

Este jogo pode conter conteúdo não apropriado para todas as idades ou para visualização no trabalho: Violência frequente ou detalhada, Conteúdo adulto não específico

Requisitos de sistema

    • Requer um processador e sistema operacional de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 (Only 64bit)
    • Processador: Intel i3 8130U(2Cores, 2.3GHz) or equivalent
    • Memória: 2 GB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 or equivalent
    • DirectX: Versão 11
    • Rede: Conexão de internet banda larga
    • Armazenamento: 10 GB de espaço disponível
    • Requer um processador e sistema operacional de 64 bits
    • SO: Windows 10, 11 (Only 64bit)
    • Processador: Intel Core i7 (64bit) or equivalent
    • Memória: 4 GB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 or equivalent
    • DirectX: Versão 11
    • Rede: Conexão de internet banda larga
    • Armazenamento: 10 GB de espaço disponível
* A partir do dia 1º de janeiro de 2024, o cliente Steam será compatível apenas com o Windows 10 ou posterior.

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