PERISH - Elysium Edition

Mua PERISH - Elysium Edition

NT$ 486.38
NT$ 325

Về bộ này

The PERISH Elysium Edition includes the action-packed stylish four-player FPS along with the thrashing metal soundtrack, composed and recorded by the developers of PERISH themselves to line your path to Elysium.

Now go, Amyetri, and bring an end to your suffering by initiating the Rites of Orpheus. Bang your head, slay hordes of creatures on the black sands of Purgatory, and sell their gold-stained corpses to craven priests.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

NT$ 388
NT$ 194
  Hành động, Indie
NT$ 198
PERISH Soundtrack
NT$ 392
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Giảm giá theo bộ:
NT$ 325
Chi phí phải trả:
NT$ 67
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Mua PERISH - Elysium Edition

NT$ 486.38
NT$ 325