Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Guess Who
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
lolleko  [developer] 29 Dec, 2015 @ 3:39pm
Quick Fixes
Some frequent problems and their fixes are listed here.

Problem: Hiding or NPCs in T-Pose.
Problem: Player not sitting:
Possible fix 1: Try to remove/disable all addons that might change player or NPC animations. If you are unsure just disable all addons beside the gamemode and maps.
Possible fix 2: Make sure any client connected to your server is subscribed to this gamemode (shouldnt be required but sometimes has to be).

Problem: Timer stuck at "Waiting for Players!"
Possible fix 1: Make sure both convars gw_minseeking and gw_minhiding are set to 1 and you have at least one player in each team. If that still doesnt work set gw_minseeking and gw_minhiding to 0. (Note: You will need to restart your server or change the map for the changes to apply.)
Possible fix 2: If you extracted the gamemode from the gma make sure to put the extracted folder (guesswho or guess_who) into your gmods addons directory not the gamemodes directory!

Problem: How do i customize the gamemode?
Problem: How to add custom playermodels?
Possible fix 1: Read the wiki there is a detailed guide there:

Problem: Can't change to different models by pressing "E".
Possible fix 1: This is also most likely caused by confilcitng addons. For example the PlayerModelSelector addon is know to cause this issue, try to disable any addons that relate to model change.

Problem: Players won't sit (zenp_pose) when crouching.
Possible fix 1: This is also most likely caused by confilcitng addons. Try to disable any addons that modify animations and/or movment of a player.

Incompatible addons:
Last edited by lolleko; 14 Jan, 2018 @ 7:11am
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Despite what I said in the bug forum, I have recently discovered a way to use the "Enhanced PlayerModel Selector" addon without causing errors with this game mode. The addon features what is called a "gamemode blacklist". With this, it is possible to blacklist the Guess Who gamemode, causing your sandbox playermodel to no longer override the ones in Guess Who - therefore, you can switch playermodels without a problem.

The gamemode blacklist can be found in the "settings" tab of the Enhanced PlayerModel Selector (accessed via the context menu). From there, go to the "Gamemode Blacklist" tab, and type in the text box, "guesswho", then click "Manually add gamemode".

Alternatively, if you're in a gamemode other than sandbox, you won't be able to access the Player Model Selector normally. Instead, type in the developer console, "playermodel_selector". This will bring up the playermodel selector regardless of your gamemode. From there, go to the same tab mentioned above, but this time, click "Add current gamemode to Blacklist".

In short, the "Enhanced PlayerModel Selector" isn't actually incompatable, it just needs a quick workaround. You may want to add that to this list.
question if i add the model for example the "engineer" in to the file, Can i disable the "engienner playermodel mod" and still work or does it have to enable?
abdullah 17 Dec, 2016 @ 1:25pm 
i use custom models but also without them in singleplayer lan hosting my walk animation is running, anyone have a fix. P.S. it is only like this is this gamemode on all others the walk animation is normal.
coolpaca 4 Feb, 2017 @ 2:59pm 
when i tried to play
i glitched once and wa sstuck as ragdoll
Ouazo 27 Jun, 2017 @ 11:31am 
The problem here is that when we play the hiders pass through the seekers.
Troodon 21 Jul, 2017 @ 2:34pm 
Hiding is not dead
SarkisMine 2 Aug, 2017 @ 8:15am 
As the seekers we cant run unless we use the crowbar and right click because there are 3 green bars at the bottem right that let use them to run for a second and the seekers also dont get all there weapons plz help
76561198437036389 27 Oct, 2017 @ 12:54am 
Can somebody help when I join server I can’t choose any team and I can’t see my mouse it’s only white and yellow pls help idk what’s happening
EnZo_ 29 Oct, 2017 @ 10:47am 
Hello when I try to do the custom skins it’s not working or sometimes I have yellow and white team choose and it was normally working with normal but not with custom models pls answer
EnZo_ 29 Oct, 2017 @ 2:37pm 
Lolle o mg i did everything whats was on github i did everything on the video still not workiem do i Need to restartuje komputer??? Answer plss
EnZo_ 29 Oct, 2017 @ 2:38pm 
lolleko  [developer] 30 Oct, 2017 @ 2:29am 
Teh video are outdated read teh wiki on github do not change any files use the f1 menu ingame.
EnZo_ 30 Oct, 2017 @ 6:04am 
ok ty
EnZo_ 30 Oct, 2017 @ 6:05am 
so dont do anything with sh.cofing yes?
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