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Posted: Jun 13, 2019 @ 5:58am
Updated: Jun 13, 2019 @ 5:59am

Full Review in Video
Civ 6: Gathering Storm - Review in 5 Minutes or Less

Gathering Storm is the newest expansion pack for the Civilization franchise. A 4X turn based strategy game series that has been going strong for well over a decade. The expansion brings forth a whole pile of updates, features, and of course, civilisations for you to lead. The World Congress returns, I feel, bigger and better than Civ5’s version of the congress. Including the return of Diplomatic Victory, less abusable than last time, arguably the slowest victory outside Time Victory.
Perhaps the major keynote in the expansion, more so than the Civilisations, is the implementation of Climate Change and weather systems. Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Dust Storms, Blizzards all form and can potentially devastate sections of your empire. Volcanoes can also erupt to decimate your cities should you settle too close. Global Warming has also been implemented, much like real life, you can burn the worlds coal supply and flood the coastlines of every continent!
A slew of balances and changes, including the revamping of the late game, were made to the old mechanics and civs of the game to bring them up to speed with some of the new and interesting civilisations like the Mali, or the Maori (I heartily recommend playing them).
Sound and visual design continues to remain honestly amazing. Each civ you play feels completely unique and visually independent, especially when your theme comes blasting through the speakers.
All in all, this expansion is essential to your enjoyment of Civilization 6. Unfortunately, the price is very steep. I would recommend you ONLY get this when it’s on sale. Aside from the price, I can’t really fault the expansion. I guess, I wish they went further with the Global Warming implementation, more unforgiving.

A slew of balances and changes, including the revamping of the late game, were made to the old mechanics and civs of the game to bring them up to speed with some of the new and interesting civilisations like the Mali, or the Maori (I heartily recommend playing them).

Sound and visual design continues to remain honestly amazing. Each civ you play feels completely unique and visually independent, especially when your theme comes blasting through the speakers.
All in all, this expansion is essential to your enjoyment of Civilization 6. Unfortunately, the price is very steep. I would recommend you ONLY get this when it’s on sale. Aside from the price, I can’t really fault the expansion. I guess, I wish they went further with the Global Warming implementation, more unforgiving.
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