Welcome to my steam profile, if you see my steam artwork looks weird well..
i'm not good right now, but i will getting better in time. and i will do the animated version someday, so if you want to teach me how to do it, feel free to help me.
but i got nothing to return soo... yeah

and thank you for passing or stop by.
also rem best girl.
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Review Showcase
210 Hours played
soulless garbage. this demake is unfinish and it just The Evil Within rip off. buy TEW and play those instead of this. you can buy both TEW1&2 with the same amount of this demake's price.

list of cut contents and garbage things they added:
leon's constant quips is annoying
2 giants boss is scripted now.
running away section from mendez before boss fight.
mendez's eye ball is just for sale, no use for opening door to castle.
no more 2 paths to choose.
grenade sucks now youll get a better version in castle but, why? why not give the better version at start and bring back fire nades? that's so dumb.
salazar statue turned into flame thrower now, garbage.
laser is garbage in this game you can look at it yourself.
no crane section anymore.
no bulldozer section replaced by wrecking ball which is lamer.
cant break doors.
cant shoot through doors.
the shooting giant with cannon section is lame.
puzzles are just matching thing too easy.
lava room was cut.
ashley's section is boringly long uninteresting.
minecart section is just set pieces now.
U3 boss was cut.
music sucks.
j.j was replaced by rapid fire crossbow cow head (this one is better).
no more drones.
navistadores are not invisible anymore just blend into objects(only 1 small section that is invisible just call it gimmicked).
saddler is not doing anything but keep saying "SaCrIfIcIaL lAmP" in dream sequence.
ada's voice sucks.
wesker's voice sucks.
merchant's voice sucks.
no "LUISSSSSSS" when he dies. (its fine)
no throwing knife at salazar.
salazar boss is worse than og, too much health.
saddler boss is worse.
krauzer is vergil wannabe now, and boss fight is even worse.
every bosses rely too much on magnum dumping(aka damage race), and results making every bosses play the same. new capcom is just so brain dead that they just make the boss as broken as they can because the "fans" dont care. so they can get easy money for it.
the worst part is that they make the game with striker charm in mind without it you cant dodge most of the boss' attacks and ganados.
the ending of chapter doesnt have a good looking wallpapers anymore just dark screen with smoke.

in case you thinking that i hate this game cause i'm bad:

its terrible its a destruction of a classic, this..... demake.... is a disgrace. i will never going to pick this game when i want to play re4. as everything i said before and i want to add this. too much treasure in this game. like what is this? tomb raider or indiana jones or something? why there are so many of them. og handled this more appropriately. there's no sense of urgency here, from too much side area that you have to go, too much treasure and side quests that doesn't make sense. also leon's and ashley's moaning while theyre out in the open in village section is annoying "ahh" "egh" "haa" "huuh". and it just keeps going, just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stop....

this demake sucks. dont bother with this or just buy it on sale. only zoomers and people that has no standards in video games will like this.
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Lisa 17 Sep, 2022 @ 2:37pm 
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Lisa 6 Sep, 2022 @ 1:34pm 
Lisa 5 Sep, 2022 @ 1:13pm 
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Lisa 27 Aug, 2022 @ 12:57pm 
Lisa 20 Aug, 2022 @ 3:05pm 
Remonade 20 Oct, 2019 @ 9:52pm 