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6.9 hrs last two weeks / 2,889.8 hrs on record (2,532.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Feb, 2024 @ 2:15pm
Updated: 1 Jun, 2024 @ 8:59am

I love this game. I spent over 2.5k hours playing this and I enjoyed most of the time...most. This game is plagued with bots and its made the game unplayable. Not only do these cheating bots flood these servers and spam their slurs, they commit actual crimes. They dox, DDos, and even create AI deep fakes to slander those who call them out on their behavior. Valve is aware of this problem yet does nothing to combat it. For the past 5 years, this game has been rotting while the community begs for a war against the cheaters. For a game that was originally started as a passion mod for Quake, not only has the passion dried up, it has been killed, and left to publicly rot in the shape of the official matchmaking. Or atleast Valve's passion has died. The community cares so much about this game, the world, the characters, the gameplay and wants to keep enjoying what the game has to offer. So many third parties go to the extreme to show off what this game has to offer, whether it be 3rd party competitive leagues, MvM tours, trading, gamemodes, and even custom made cosmetics and weapons. We want this game to suceed but Valve is intentionally trying to kill it by ignoring these bots. #FixTF2
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