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1.3 hrs last two weeks / 104.8 hrs on record (30.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 18 Mar, 2018 @ 2:31pm

Absolutely reccomend this game. I'll start with the cons, as I prefer to end on a positive note.

-If you hate dying randomly/quickly, and havign to respawn, or you are easily frustrated, this is not a game for you. Expect the same realism you get from the previous Rising Storm games, or something like Verdun/Insurgency/Squad.
-There isn't a whole lot of variety of maps played. Mind you, theres many maps, but unfortunately the vanilla playerbase tends to pick the same maps over and over. (Hue City on rerun).
-The level of teamwork isn't as good as you'd like it to be, often players shrug off the "squad" concept and go for a more Battlefield approach. I find it more fun to solo on the flanks than to waste time trying to convince my squad to work together most of the time.
- Difficult to play with friends, considering the ease in which you die. Your buddy gets 1 tapped, and all of a sudden you're on your own for a few minutes.

+ Beatiful design. Everything just looks great to me, especially for the player count and map size. Not graphically stunning like Crysis, but still a great looking game. The filters on it really give it that Vietnam feel.
+ Weapons are great. They did a fantastic job with the damage model and balancing. It really makes it special when you get to grab a Marksman, Grenadier, or Combat Engineer class.
+ The DshKm emplacements and US Helicopters are fantastic additions to the game. Really adds to the immersion.
+ The sounds are just as good as the visuals.
+ If you can find a community server, the player-made maps are fantastic, and you often find a great deal more teamwork there, and it can be tons of fun.
+ While there's only one DLC as far as I know (the Bushranger update), It was free and was incredibly well made. I was suprised to come back to the game and see an entire new faction with new weapons put in, when I hadn't bought anything. Extremely refreshing compared to the EA/Origin games horde of DLCs.

For me, this game was well worth the release-date full $60 price, and now being down to $25, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it. Great addition to your library that you can come back to at any time and not have to worry about being a low level or not having access to the full game yet.
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