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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.1 hrs on record
Posted: 31 Jan, 2023 @ 4:01pm

good things first movement is decent jumping while moving seems overly difficult at times but eh can look past thats not really game breaking, gunplay isnt half bad from what i could gather map design is pretty in depth and nice, and overall the world building is well done, but the reason for my incredicly short playtime as of writing this review is the fact they just seemed to shove the one thing we all love, or at least everyone i know who grew up with stalker back in the day was the brutal and incredibly difficult situations you could get in at times. No they`d rather throw in this stupid pvp concept of constant online and non stop at risk of just being gunned down by randoms whilst doing campaign missions and just roaming.

when i read about this having pvp and pve i was expecting a style of which we saw in the division games ie "the dark zone" so we would have pvp zones not that the whole game no matter what we do coop or campaign that you can just get blasted overall.
if you are looking for a good stalker game to bypass the wait for stalker heart of chernobyle then just grab one of the older stalkers and suffer with it crashing a lot rather than suffer with random ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thatll camp in bushes for literall hours only to destroy you out of nowhere.

(i know the description mentions can be killed anywhere gotta be honest i had hopes that there would be a single player/coop only option thus my mentioning of being disapointed and annoyed by that)
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