»» Harbinger ««
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
@TrueAchievements ► Halo Runs [haloruns.com] Zombie Records [zombierecords.com]

My comment section is now here due to me reaching the limit.
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
Halo 5: Guardians
59 3829 13
Screenshot Showcase
Halo 5: Guardians
26 1307 10
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
I am a private collector, not in the business of actively trading.
Be wary of impersonation
I will never ask you for items or offer any middleman services.
How to identify it's the real me

- 4,500+ hours on TF2
- 50,000 comments on my profile and thousands on my artwork
- Scout 1:1 collector set on my showcase
- Level 100
- Around 750 friends
- Owner of IRC
- No VAC or Trade bans

I do not make cash offers and I will never have links to my reputation on my profile.
Always search the persons rep and not use their links as it may not be their actual profile.

I have a custom URL, it will always be this and never change.
Watch out for cleverly forged custom URLs [imgur.com]

My profile is always going to be public.

Here are two visual guides on real impersonators which explains how you can spot them.
Spotting impersonation guide #1 [imgur.com]
Spotting impersonation guide #2 [imgur.com]

Here is an example of a more expensive and time consuming impersonation, which may copy a persons art, steam level, hours by farming, comments by friends and a large friends list from random adding. This is how you spot a well crafted duplicate.
Steam Rep handy tools [imgur.com]

Stay safe out there.
Favorite Group
InfernoRitz Community - Public Group
In Chat
Favorite Guide
Created by - »» Harbinger ««
8 ratings
Comment on the artwork at the top of my profile as my main section has reached the limit
Review Showcase
4,965 Hours played
This is a well made, stylized, team based first person shooter. Teamwork is needed to win at higher levels of play, though lone wolfing is fine on lower skill levels such as on most public servers. There are 9 classes to choose from. Each class has unique weapons and abilities that allow each to fill a unique roll as part of a larger team. This provides for a challenging and rewarding experience when faced against opponents of similar or better skill levels.

There are two official modes of play: player versus player and 'Mann Versus Machine'.

Player versus player is a mode where one team of players battles against another team of players. Within this mode, there are different types of maps. Each type of map has it's own objectives for both teams to achieve.

'Mann Verses Machine' is a mode where a team of up to 6 players battles against waves of bots. Players collect money from destroyed bots. The money is divided equally among players in the team and can be used to purchase upgrades and abilities for the next wave of bots. The pay to play sub-mode, "Mann Up", gives rewards upon completing a "tour".

In addition to the official modes of play, there are several player made mods that introduce other modes of play such as 'Versus Saxton Hale', where a team of players battles against a player playing as a character named Saxton Hale; 'Dodge Ball', where two teams of players playing as Pyros must airblast rockets and other projectiles back and forth in order to stay alive; 'Zombie Mod', where a team of players must make it to the end of the map without dying to zombies that are played by other players; to name just a few of the many player made mods available.

In addition to game play, players will randomly receive free items from the game. Some of the free items given out are weapons, hats and crates. Hats can be worn by a class to change the appearance of that class. Crates can be opened with a key. Keys can be purchased from the Mann Co Store or from the Steam Community Market or traded for from another player. Most crates will list which items can be found within them.

The game has several communities for a player to choose from if a community is what you are looking for. The game is easy to pick up and play, either alone or with friends, yet has a depth of play that will keep you from becoming bored too quickly. The dynamics between the different classes, weapons, play styles, skill levels, modes and maps provides content for many hours of play.
»» Harbinger «« 1 Oct, 2017 @ 5:17am 
:UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag:

I've hit Steam's comment limit of 50,000.
:SpeedEmoticon: The summary is that no one can comment here again.

:SpeedEmoticon: If you need to contact me or just want to for any reason, comment on any of my screenshots, artwork or even my review it doesn't matter where.

Some things to consider
»» Harbinger «« 1 Oct, 2017 @ 5:17am 
Doing any of these will get you blocked

:csgox: Don't send me ANY form of advertisement

:csgox: No group invite spam

:csgox: Don't spam me in chat, I always hold multiple conversations I'll get to you

:csgox: No links

:csgox: ...speaking in anything other than English.
»» Harbinger «« 1 Oct, 2017 @ 5:16am 
If you're here to trade, all of this shouldn't be an issue

:greenlike: Profiles that are at least level 3

:greenlike: Profiles that aren't private

:greenlike: Users with no negative reputation

:greenlike: No bans on third party sites or the main platform

:greenlike: No alternate accounts with malicous history
»» Harbinger «« 1 Oct, 2017 @ 5:16am 
I will not under any circumstance take any responsiblity should you end up victim to any sort of impersonator. If it happens I'm sorry but it really isn't my fault.

:coolpolice: I never bothered gathering reputation at all. I'm not an open trader I shouldn't have impersonators to begin with.

:happypolice: Use your common sense.
»» Harbinger «« 1 Oct, 2017 @ 5:16am 
I'm also usually at my friend limit, hence why I say leave a comment somewhere.

:after: I remove anyone who asks for items

:after: I value both the privacy of my friends and myself, I don't answer questions about my inventory
»» Harbinger «« 1 Oct, 2017 @ 5:16am 
:cjstar: All of this is because I'm just annoyed with overwhelming harassment and stupidity.

:cjstar: 50,000 comments is beyond ridiculous, I appreciate those who are kind to me.

:UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: . . . :UnionJackFlag: