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Posted: 9 Sep, 2024 @ 3:25pm
Updated: 9 Sep, 2024 @ 3:29pm

Why are people paying $50-100 for cosmetics? The game came out last week

my thoughts
  • the microtransaction shop prices are still too high ($70+ for one skin that can be put on multiple guns), and to unlock the rest of the classes it takes ~30 hours of playtime (or $7)
  • the maps and skins look amazing but the default player models look awful
  • none of the maps are good except for the laundromat (the others are all 90° corner peek fests)
  • there is variety in these bad maps but doing so is so risky for so little in return (nobody is spending a full 30 seconds going to a marginally better angle) that it's not worth bothering with
  • the game itself is fun if you spend more than 5 hours learning it, I love playing with spectres and it's a lot more fast paced than other comp shooters
  • camping is an issue, but almost every class is designed in a way that flushes out campers with either the free utilities or the purchased ones
(I think that camping might be because of the fact that both sides get the same guns, and most maps are defender sided)

solo players be warned:
Playing solo is the worst of any comp shooter. if one player leaves or goes AFK that's basically two players gone. The game doesn't work well at all if you can't get the team to be on the same page...

I'd love a 1v1 mode with maybe an extra spectre or something (I'm not a game designer) since playing 3v3 with randoms is butt cheeks.

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