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Nylige anmeldelser av Roee

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541.8 timer totalt (33.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Genre-defining classic
Publisert 7. august 2021. Sist endret 26. november 2021.
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20 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
4.9 timer totalt
I really want to give this game a positive review, but its concept is problematic and it sets it apart from good deckbuilding or roguelite games.

The whole premise of the game is combining the roguelite and deck builder concept with storytelling and roleplaying. And the game does have many mechanics encouraging replaying the game different times with different strategies and decisions - like unlockable cards and items, a currency you can spend to get permanent upgrades for a character, multiple difficulties, and so forth- it really has a lot of upgrades available, basically.
However, and this is the main problem I have - the way this game is based on story makes it much more boring to play.

It's not randomly generated, or different every time. when you die, you start over from the same place. go through the same dialogue, and probably make a lot of the same decisions because at the start there are basically only 2 quests you can choose from, and in those quests you can basically choose either to "talk it out" or fight.

The lack of randomness and knowing that if you fail you'll pretty much have to do it all over really really harms this game's replayability.

Plus - with no "random" seed, starting decks, or items/upgrades you can get early on, the gameplay is the same overall.
Unlike games with emphasis on making crazy strategies from a rapidly changing deck followed by game changing items and rules, Griftland's deck building system is more like a slow and steady alter your deck into a specific flavor style thing.
the deck and how you play is slowly and properly adjusted so it fits your playstyle/character in game. which is great for storytelling, but really boring for a roguelite.

As a result of this and an already lacking combat system, combat feels kinda bad.
Publisert 31. juli 2021.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
80.0 timer totalt (69.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Good game. Can be extremely punishing and frustrating, but remember, overconfidence is a slow, and incidious killer.
Once you're satisfied with the main game, download some mods. the DLCS are not a must in my opinion.
Publisert 12. juli 2021.
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5.6 timer totalt
Similar to Portal, it is basically a set of 25 levels with their own story introducing the mechanic of Time Travel into Portal. If you like Portal, there's no reason you won't like this, so huge thumbs up.
Publisert 11. juli 2021.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
6.0 timer totalt
I want to like this game, but I think the gameplay is as fun as farming rice. Because that's what you do.
And when you're not farming rice, you're farming mobs.
Really cool story and design, I don't recommend getting this game because I think the gameplay is not fun.
Publisert 30. april 2021.
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5.9 timer totalt
The game is too short to recommend and lacks replayability compared to other dungeon crawler games.

It has you going through three main "dungeons": Joblin, Styxcoin, and WinkyDink. Once you beat all three, you can enter a special stage and defeat a boss. After you defeat the boss, the three dungeons will get a power-up and some new content, so you beat them all again, and then go and beat the final boss of the game.
I completed the game in just under 6 hours and that kinda feels too short.

The mechanic of using furniture or objects that break is quite nice, however I felt that it does not help the game reach a high skill ceiling because most of the heavy objects or weapons are way to slow, and in the later dungeons you can't possibly use them. So you're basically sticking with the fast, one-handed weapons for the most part.

There are power-ups and mentors, but they don't change the game that much.

Overall it is a good game and I enjoyed it, you should buy it if you're looking for something more short and story-based than games like Binding of Isaac or Enter The Gungeon.
Publisert 30. mars 2021.
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24.8 timer totalt (23.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Welcome to WHITE SPACE.

My thoughts will follow you into your dreams.
Publisert 29. januar 2021.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
67.0 timer totalt
This game was really promising for me and I was really excited to play through it, and I'm kind of sad I'm giving it a negative review.

At the start, the story is interesting, the fights in dungeons are kinda fun, and collecting/fusing personas is interesting. But the game is, at it's core, SO repetitive. I did not finish the game myself because it has been following an extremely boring pattern of having to pass time to wait for the story to progress, and then being rewarded with pretty much the same.

You have to pass months of days in-game for the story to progress, only to get more of the same dungeons.

Basically, what i'm trying to say is, the game is really repetitive.

Wait for story to progress by idly hanging out with whoever's available -> scroll through story -> go through the same dungeon but with a different flavor -> rinse and repeat.

I spent nearly 70 hours on this game and I am about 70% through the story.

If you tend to drop games or series, I recommend you skip this one or watch a playthrough.
Publisert 14. januar 2021. Sist endret 14. januar 2021.
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13.2 timer totalt (7.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game was a pleasant suprise.

It's a turn-based, tile-based dungeon crawler, with a cute style and surprisingly complex gameplay.

The story and style gives off a slightly childish feel which almost deterred me from playing this game, but the gameplay speaks for itself, and after the tutorial, lore are given in nice bite-sized scrolls, randomly from chests in addition to loot.

-Features a 'familliar' system - bosses you defeat can be equipped in runs and enable you to use 2 special abilities, and some other unique concepts like stunning opponents.

Floor-based dungeon crawling, however, before you enter a dungeon (dream?) you can choose a final boss to fight .

Only sad part is, gacha machines, roulette and dream monuments (which you encounter in floors) are HIGHLY RNG and not fun, devs said they would change it though.
Publisert 14. desember 2020.
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9 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.9 timer totalt
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
The gameplay is either really bad or pointless, and it makes going through the story a long and boring experience.
First two hours has you slowly walking around, clicking furniture and reading flavor text, and mainly doing some very simple puzzles which just take some time because the character moves relatively slowly.

I was hoping that the story progresses and the juicy, interesting part of the game will show up, but it just feels like bits of story sandwiched between boring minigames. These pointless puzzles really feel like they're there for no reason, and it just makes the story feel needlessly long.

I think the strong suit of this game would be the story and the art, however it's sad that to even get to it you have to sit through the gameplay to get to it, it doesn't feel worth it.
Publisert 14. desember 2020.
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