The most Pro CS:GO player alive------------ (AS3)
In Call of Duty 2 the grenade mod that turned the hand grenades into potatos (that exploded) were the greatest. RIP =[AGD]= Armed Rodents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN1AGdc0qoA

Hello! I am a Christian believer in Jesus! (That loves gaming too)

If you wish to know about my faith, then read on.
God's scriptures show us that through one man (Adam) who sinned, and passed down the Sin genetics, and penalty, that all sin, and fall short of what is required to get into Heaven.
God's standard is perfection. We can never be "good enough" to get into Heaven.
The 10 commandments from Exodus 20 are familiar to most people.
Thou shalt not murder... Jesus said that if you hate someone then you've murdered them in your heart. God's standard is so perfect that He looks into your heart... This means that we are all guilty. Well there were actually more than 10 commands. The Jewish people believe that the Old Testament (The first part of the Christian Bible) contained 613 commands!
Jesus was showing us that we are all guilty of offending God's laws and commands and we owe a penalty for our transgressions of the law (Sins). The penalty for even 1 small sin, is death. Blood is required...not a drop, but the life that the blood sustains.
We are all guilty, even from birth. innocent babies still are sinners thanks to Adam's transgression.
We are not sinners because we sin. We sin because we are sinners. We are born with original Sin. So now what? We all deserve death? Yep. Sadly, we all deserve death immediately.
Thankfully, God Provided a payment for the price owed.
Because He is just, and must righteously punish sin, He sent His Son, Jesus to live the perfect life that we were not able to do for ourselves, and Jesus willingly went to the cross, and willingly laid down His life to pay what was owed.
If we believe that He died willingly for us to pay the penalty of our sin, that He rose again on the third day after being crucified, that He rose in the flesh (not just as a spirit) and we repent from our sin (Repent means to change our mind, turn away from), He will give us eternal life. Not just spiritual life, but to be adopted as Sons and daughters into God's family. To inherit all things. What does God own? All things.
We hear His voice through the hearing of and reading of His Word. He said my sheep hear my voice, and I give them eternal life.
Another thing Jesus said was that all of the commandments can be reduced down to two commands:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.” (Everyone is your neighbor).

I didn't write this to bore you, but for you to know and understand that there is a God who LOVES you enough to lay down His life for you.
A Father better than your earthly Father. If you accept Him and let Him be your Father.
As through one man (Adam) all were condemned, through one man (Jesus), all men can be saved!
If you want to accept Jesus into your life, Ask Him! By no means will He turn you away!

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Potato_Tosser 12 Nov, 2017 @ 11:46pm 
lol ye
BaK 12 Nov, 2017 @ 11:37pm 
oh noes, not another one!