also known as Emmy (@bluethebre on twit)   Canada
howdy hi im emmy and welcome to my profile
i've been drawing since december 2018!!

If you want to find me anywhere, here are some things you can use;
Discord: lycanbre
Twitter: @bluethebre

If you're going to message me anywhere, please do it on one of those except steam!! I only use this for the games now, honestly


Hope you enjoy your stay!!

Currently Offline
Screenshot Showcase
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Favorite Game
Hours played
Favorite Guide
Created by - davey bones and Baron
4,468 ratings
This guide simply lists all of the Team Fortress 2 hats, miscs, accessories and weapons and will continue to do so as new content is added to TF2. The guide may be missing content, so please, if anything appears to be missing or is incorrect please bring i
beep boop!!!!!!!!!!
i dont want to lose these memories of the old days so i will forever have this info box here

funny chats:

4:27 PM - BlueQT3.14 has changed their name to Kentucky Fried Blu-Ray.
4:27 PM - Kentucky Fried Blu-Ray: This is
4:27 PM - Kentucky Fried Blu-Ray: My favorite name
4:27 PM - Kentucky Fried Blu-Ray: i've ever put
4:27 PM - Kentucky Fried Blu-Ray: on my profile
4:27 PM - Kentucky Fried Blu-Ray: my god
4:26 PM - Texas Red: lolololol

10:16 AM - The Flare Baron: I've never met a self-destructing ai that yeets before it explodes


1:49 AM - RED: you ever just wanna
1:49 AM - RED: go to Japan
1:49 AM - RED: see the wondeful culture
1:49 AM - RED: art
1:49 AM - RED: people
1:49 AM - RED: women
1:49 AM - RED: drugs
1:49 AM - RED: weapons
1:50 AM - RAUD VULDIOZ: I want to
1:50 AM - RAUD VULDIOZ: learn japanese
1:50 AM - RAUD VULDIOZ: and then consume people
1:49 AM - RED: i do too
1:49 AM - RED: wait
1:49 AM - RED: what

6:17 PM - ☠Ðeath™: Oof

1:34 AM - Dongley Knog: and its my ♥♥♥♥
1:34 AM - Dongley Knog: B)


RED: it’s not gay if its for your homies
RED: it’s Homiesexual

5:14 PM - a blue qt ???????: what if snow is just gods really bad dandruff
5:14 PM - Twostu: Thanks for reminding me I need a new bottle of Head and Shoulders soon
5:15 PM - a blue qt ???????: no problem

1:16 PM - end.my.life: I'd travel to Africa but I have an ex there and I don't wanna get aids
1:17 PM - bluediss: Wait what

2:37 PM - Faeris: Cuz people say stupid ♥♥♥♥
2:37 PM - Faeris: So I'm like
2:37 PM - Faeris: "You're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot"
2:37 PM - Faeris: Note: I do this with everyone at some point
2:38 PM - Bluedisc: ^

5:16 PM - Twostu: Using a loofa for non-loofa purposes
5:17 PM - a blue qt ???????: thats a loofa ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

"I will watch over the corn tonight" -RED

8:18 PM - The Scare Baron is now Online.
8:47 PM - The Scare Baron: What if
8:47 PM - The Scare Baron: God was Jesus
8:47 PM - The Scare Baron: and Jesus was God
8:47 PM - The Scare Baron: black hole confirmed?
8:47 PM - NANI?! STANDO?!: This.
8:47 PM - NANI?! STANDO?!: This is why we're friends.

4:00 PM - Don't wake me up: Unf~

8:22 PM - The Demobum: Vote my dog for president. She likes brussel sprouts.

1:59 PM - Tk entered chat.
1:59 PM - Tk: Sup ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

5:18 PM - 🅱️lock🅱️ource: damn
5:18 PM - 🅱️lock🅱️ource: you are ugly
5:18 PM - 🅱️lock🅱️ource: i can sense it ♥♥♥♥♥
5:18 PM - 🅱️lock🅱️ource: pls no sue just prank

Bluedisc - Today at 5:53 PM
I would just like to thank you idiots for giving me wonderful first hours using Discord.
Spitfoore - Today at 5:53 PM
I just got here
Bluedisc - Today at 5:53 PM
♥♥♥♥ you
Spitfoore - Today at 5:53 PM

The Flared Baron: You're an inspiration to me and no one is more deserving of a gift at this moment in time than you. (2017)

Siffryn: You are someone with a gift unlike many I've seen before, and I love the way your brain works and the things you have the capacity to create. I want to see you make stuff, I don't want to see you lose that spark within you. I truly and genuinely believe you have something special within you. I want to see you given the capacity to flourish. (2025)
Recent Activity
267 hrs on record
last played on 5 Mar
56 hrs on record
last played on 5 Mar
3.6 hrs on record
last played on 4 Mar
clocksource 9 Feb @ 2:50pm 
sigma sigma on the wall, whos the skibidiest of them all?
clocksource 30 Oct, 2024 @ 3:27pm 
:steamhappy: :steamhappy:
Phoebe 30 Oct, 2024 @ 1:04pm 
emmy 30 Oct, 2024 @ 8:55am 
clocksource 29 Oct, 2024 @ 6:22pm 
smelly mommy? YAYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :steamhappy:
clocksource 25 Oct, 2024 @ 7:39am 
erm, did somebody say, among us? suS! HA! vent like imposter! vent like sussy imposter from among them!!! :steamhappy: