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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 110.7 hrs on record (55.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Mar, 2024 @ 3:41pm

Early Access Review
Would I recommend this game? Absolutely. It's one hell of a fun game that just keeps getting better with each new build. It's not perfect, there are still a few rough edges, but the Devs are busting their butts to get everything working properly. The gameplay is surprisingly addicting, sometimes I look at the clock and wonder where the last 4 hours went, but looking at my fort shows me where they went.

There are some great elements of the game still being worked on (NPC's, Map Expansion) that will certainly alter the current games play style. No longer will we be "limited" to just raiding Muldraugh, West Point, or the "New(ish)" Mall area/recent expansion......which to be perfectly honest is quite a bit of looting to begin with. It honestly necessitates a new Safehouse/Fortress for each area as carrying all the stuff you find between forts would be kind of the current map is that big....(map link) and the planned additions of Louisville, Fort Knox and whatever lies in between them will make this a HUGE map.

My play style is a little Kamikaze(ish), i love to get a Nailed Baseball Bat or an Axe and take on a horde or two, just swinging away till either the zombies are dead, my weapon breaks, or i have to run and get bandaged up.....maybe have my character drink some bleach if the zombies made me bleed. Consequently, i rarely have a character last much beyond a month in the game. But that's the fun of the game, it lulls you into thinking that you are "Too Good" for the mere zombies to hurt....until they get you surrounded and you remember that you swore to yourself last time, that you would not let that happen again.

But don't take my word for it, try it out for yourself and see how well you do. Just remember the words on the screen at the beginning of the game "This is how you died"
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