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Posted: 3 Dec, 2023 @ 8:45am

Early Access Review
I think this game is really good as it stands and is easily worth the money the developers are asking for. However I do think its got a decent way to go before it becomes a proper finished survival game.

Now the main selling point to me with this game is it very similar to "DayZ" but without so much of the boring survival stuff.
This game offers a similar experience to "DayZ" but lets you get guns and gear fairly quickly with the added benefit of AI bots roaming around to keep things interesting along with being a source for loot. This game also had no zombies which is a plus for me as in my opinion "DayZ" zombies are terrible and something like "Scum" offers a better all round survival experience when compared to "DayZ".

Now in terms of improvements I think the missions really need improving with more variety. Basically the missions as they stand is go into an area and kill all the bots to get a reward. While I think this is a good starting point it gets boring fast in my opinion. The convoys were a cool idea but I find nobody bothers to try and steal the loot therefore it doesn't work too great in practice. Perhaps adding objectives to some of the missions making them harder would work better if done properly. Also i'm not a fan of the re-spawn system. Basically when you die you can choose which town you want to spawn in which means when you kill a player they just spawn 100m or so away and instantly come back. I would much prefer random IMO.

Okay some others things I would like to see to make this the perfect game is more points of interest in the current map ( Not expanding as the map has plenty of free space at the moment ). Making cities and towns more useful such as adding a police station and hospital as a place for basic guns, armour and an easy way to get medical supplies which is very difficult ATM. Also perhaps having an NPC which gives some basic quests for money or items would be cool. An example of a quest could be go to "Stepnoe" find a golden watch and bring it back here. This would also promote going to towns and cities along with increasing PVP in these areas. Some sort of weather system would also be greatly practised adding much variety and sounds to the environment making it feel more real and immersive.

Anyway thanks for reading this lengthy recommendation / review for this game.

Overall if you like the look of the game just buy it.
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