3 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 91.5 hrs on record (69.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 2 Nov, 2021 @ 11:41pm

The game is a mixed bag.

Most important note - If you're looking for something like World of Warcraft, this isn't it.

- There are some great points that are stunning to look at.
- It promotes team play very much.
- Fun talents and looks to be a thought out PVP system.
- A easy to use talent system with slight restrictions.
- Dungeons have interesting puzzle ideas, would've loved to see more of these.
- Levelling professions was easy and had a fun element to it.
- Can craft a lot of resources easily, turning wood into lumber, dont mind if I do 900 at a time.
- Easy to use fast travel system, just need to discover all the points.

- The ranged system is cool idea, but only works if you're on local servers.
- I wanted to buy a house, it looked fun.
- Player controlled taxes, this was a problem as some people would take over large amounts of territories and just nail all players with high taxes, the areas with lowered taxes weren't ever in a convenient location.

- You run everywhere, seriously a mount would've been great. I'd even settle for a bicycle.
- Other players can steal your kill and skin it before you can get to it.
- Expect a lot of PVP, You can play PVE only but it slows down your progression.
- The respawn rates on the server was weird, I'd barely kill the second skeleton and one would spawn right behind me.
- Some regions were horrible to level through, just the environment was not beautiful or fun. I was there simply for the XP.
- If you dont have a close server, PVP is a problem and PVE ranged is difficult but not impossible.
- Breaches and invasions were way too much, There just was never enough high level people to clear breaches so every place would be invaded every day. This would've been a great underdog mechanic and would've helped the smaller factions catch up if it happened only to the bigger factions, but I saw it happening ridiculously often to a faction that had only 1 territory.
- There are bugs in the territory PVP system, to start a war on a territory you would need to do PVP quests in that territory. Players were doing them in such a way that there progress would go from 0-70% in less than 5 minutes
- No NPC traders.
- Very little end game content.

Currently for me there's more Con's than Pro's so I've stopped playing. It has potential to take weeks away from your life, currently you'd spend those weeks walking to a new area instead of exploring content.

NB - I'd say wait for a slight special if you're looking to buy. The game has fun moments but then other moments that you will hate.
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