Пиздахо Чукуни
Olegsandr aka olegsey aka oledja aka olejka aka O lego..
:steamsalty: это соль!

By the way, there's nothing in here.

etc 2016
CSGO: -novid -dxlevel 81 -console -tickrate 128 +rate 128000 +cl_cmdrate 128 +cl_updaterate 128 +cl_interp 0 +cl_interp_ratio 1 -noaafonts -nosync -nosse4 -lv -nocrashdialog

CS1.6: -noipx -heapsize 262144 -silent -dev -noforcemparms -refresh 144 -high +ex_interp 0.1 -vsync -steam -stretchaspect
Мусс? [nick-name.ru]
-freg -noforcemparms -nofbo
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1 game ban on record | Info
1454 day(s) since last ban
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Пиздахо Чукуни 27 Feb @ 8:03am 
@Co-Mambo, It is outdated because there is a possibility of being banned. However, the instructions are still relevant. You can easily download the latest version from the official Rehsde website.
Бурило 20 Jun, 2022 @ 10:11am 
+rep кароче 👍
elwe 15 Jun, 2022 @ 12:33pm 
谢谢你,你的蒸汽档案很棒 +rep :marijacooing:
Apebrain 22 Oct, 2021 @ 11:17am 
Your profile is kind of lewd :majinbuu:
Apebrain 8 Sep, 2021 @ 2:27pm 
wh1teZz 22 May, 2020 @ 9:15am 
прими в др мне нужна помощь