Mike (Hebraic מיכאל (Mikha'el)) „Who is like God?"   Thuringen, Germany
Hi there ^^
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Perfect Games
Here is the list of all perfect games :mark:, because everybody is asking. :happy_creep:

Brought Games: (85)
10,000,000 | 1 Moment Of Time: Silentville | A Bird Story | ABZÛ | AER - Memories of Old | Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends | Bloop Reloaded | Breathing Fear | Cargo Commander | Carmageddon: Max Damage | Chaos on Deponia | Contrast | Contraption Maker | Cursed | Cyberpunk 2077 | Dark Echo | Detective Grimoire | Deponia | Domino Sky | Dracula's Legacy | Dungetris | Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes | Eets Munchies | ENKI | Frankenstein: Master of Death | Ghostrunner | Goodbye Deponia | Grow Home | Grow Up | Haunt the House: Terrortown | Her Story | Hero of Kingdom | Hero of Kingdom 2 | Hero of Kingdom 3 | Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1 | hocus | Hook | I, Zombie | ISLANDERS | Just Cause 2 | Just Cause 3 | Just Cause 4 | Leaving Lyndow | Lowglow | LYNE | Mark of the Ninja | Max: The Curse Of Brotherhood | Morphopolis | MouseCraft | Orcs Must Die! | Papers, Please | Papo & Yo | Plantera | Polarity | Quell | Refunct | Replica | Sparkle 2 Evo | Stories Untold | Subnautica | Superflight | Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers | The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles | The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 | The Room | The Room Two | The Stanley Parable | The Turing Test | The Walking Dead | The Walking Dead: Michonne | The Walking Dead: Season Two | Thomas Was Alone | To the Moon | TransPlan | Trine: Enchanted Edition | Type:Rider | The Vanishing of Ethan Carter | UBERMOSH | Valley | Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage | Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior | VOI | Volume | Zenge | Zup! | Zup! 2 | Zup! 3 | Zup! 4

Early Access: (0)

Free To Play Games: (12)
A Date in the Park | Blameless | Bubble People | Carpe Diem | Devolverland Expo | Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist | Drop Alive | Emily is Away | Mandagon | Missing Translation | Port of Call | PRICE | The Plan

No Achievements: (3)
Bloop | Little Inferno | The Book of Unwritten Tales
Perfecte spellen
Prestaties in perfecte spellen
YESSIR 1 okt 2017 om 17:38 
ice age 3
Wyvern-of-the-Rising-Sun 28 aug 2017 om 17:40 
Hallo Mike, danke für Deine Bemühungen, Hilfen und Hinweise zu Bloodgate. Ich habe es heute auch zu 100% abgeschlossen und werde es vermissen. Deine Tips haben mir geholfen noch auf 100% Achievements nzu kommen. Danke. :)
MisterXYZ 20 aug 2017 om 16:18 
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. Any chance I can 100% the game in the next 10 days if I start now?
Jarrizard 13 aug 2017 om 7:29 
Seems we both discovered BloodGate late.
Gumbo Slice 11 mrt 2017 om 23:20 
I did, on the second day, thank you for the heads up.

Um, I am probably gonna let my review stand and see what TT can do, I hope the implement my request, if they can do atleast i couple, I think I can change it to a positive review.