Radu Scarlat   Romania
My sexual orientation is Paladin :Pantsu:
Currently Offline
Just a Paladin in the 3rd Density
As a gamer & dungeon crawler from a young age, I wasted my teen years adventuring in Azeroth & many other virtual landscapes. Now I'm playing Classic WoW so I can also waste my adult years!

I play as a Paladin on the Firemaw Classic Era realm in Europe. My BattleTag: raduscarlat#2888 (nice).

To see a complete list of games I've played from start to finish (perfected 100%, where possible), see this list on my IGDB [] profile. Yes, there is an Internet Game Database!

Besides gaming, I occasionally blog []about movies and paladins, most recently, but other interesting pieces in-between too.

Personal quote: Stay present, create love, manifest peace, and always take the red pill. :coolstar2022:
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Favorite Guide
Created by - scaradu
56 ratings
In this tutorial, I will show you how to maximize the amount of skill level gained while playing Dungeon Siege, the Legends of Aranna expansion, and the Return to Arhok addon. Features a solo melee fighter, and a solo archer as examples, so far.