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Posted: 31 Dec, 2016 @ 1:44am
Updated: 31 Dec, 2016 @ 1:53am

Whoever invented, "Pay to Win," should go jump off a bridge. I thought Clash of Clans and all that other garbage was bad but this takes the cake. Nice layout, everything is easy on the eyes. Shadow layout on every screen explains each screen. Join a beginner server (WITH PVE CHECKED). Run around find a town. First building I go into has about 20guns. Whatever, just less grindy. That's fine. Go downstairs, guy comes around the corner, Shoots, Shoots, I'm Dead. Well GG. Go back to load in screen. CAN'T PLAY THE GAME FOR 3MIN because my character is "DEAD". FML. You can Pay to instant revive it or you can wait. So, I am optimistic. Make a new character. Make sure PVE is selected and I Join a NOOB server so I can get a feel for the game first. Load in. Find a gun. Kill a few zombies then tried to run away. Run, run, run some more and the zombie's are like on my butt. Can't get away. So, I die. Rewind and I am waiting again. See a store. Check it out. A Lot, A LOT of stuff for sale. Looks like everything under the sun.

Free? Yes. Worth it? Probably Not. Pay $5 and get 7 Days to Die. On Ultra the game is not that bad. A lot better then this cheap Knockoff, Pay to Win Crap. I would rather bathe in battery acid then waste my time on this Pay to Play/Win trash.
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SilverKing 31 Dec, 2016 @ 11:45am 
Yeah if you skim through the reviews there is one guy with like 15 pictures of him posting cheats/hacks also
Big Boss 31 Dec, 2016 @ 11:35am 
You should show him the other, 2 or 3 renamed games that are literally the same game as WarZ.
SilverKing 31 Dec, 2016 @ 11:28am 
HAHA I almost lost a friend today.. he said something positive about infestation new z...
Big Boss 31 Dec, 2016 @ 6:15am 
How dare you Silver? ITS THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME!