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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 953.7 hrs on record (539.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 2, 2014 @ 5:08am
Updated: Jun 6, 2024 @ 10:30am

900h playing medic, best crit medic you could wish!

everyone known that bot were ruining the game!

valve is to blame, it destroyed the game on purpose!

instead of supporting gameplay and esports for TF, valve pushed for more revenue.

i spent 900h playing this game because of the awesome community, awesome players, in-match comms and more importantly, making fiends.

i stopped playing, as anyone else, because valve pushed out dedicated players to capitalize on players that would pay, as any other modern tittles.

valve successfully reached its objective, that's all, as any modern titles do!
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