Luke Wall   Tennessee, United States

The names Luke Wall, or Ruuku Kabe, or Ichigo Kurosaki, whichever you preffer.
I'm mostly an otaku(anime/manga junkie), but I also game casually (unless it's Zelda or Final Fantasy, I'm hardcore with those Lol.)
Most of my preffered games are mostly MOBA's like DOTA, open world RPG's like Skyrim, or anything action oriented.
As far as anime and manga go, Bleach, KHR, and Sword Art Online suck up about 90% of my freetime. ^_^
P.S. Outspoken Christian, so let me know if your a fellow follower of Christ. XD

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TheGingerHermit May 30, 2015 @ 9:46am 
That would be sick. Would take some serious work though. Sadly my expertise is in the artistic side of things as opposed to the technical, but being as Monster Hunter's assets are all pretty much finished there's not much I can do in that department
mars May 30, 2015 @ 9:40am 
for what it's worth i am actually considering getting together with my dev buddy and attempting a monster hunter mod for that game, starting with working on melee combat implentation