無論是在 Steam 上還是其它地方,Valve 員工絕對不會向您索取個人或帳戶資訊。若有人聲稱錯誤地檢舉您的帳戶,請放心,這並不會使您遭到封鎖。如果您需要 Steam 帳戶方面的協助,請前往 https://ad.gamersky.info/@help.steampowered.com/
Brian Jacobson [VALVE]
Brian Jacobson   Seattle, Washington, United States
This is Brian Jacobson from Valve. There have been reports of scammers trying to impersonate me on Discord. It's not me, and no one from Valve will ever contact you over Discord; and I will never contact you personally ever over any service. We don't have any ability to take down scammer Discord accounts; please report any such scammers to Discord.
