1 person found this review helpful
Not Recommended
5.2 hrs last two weeks / 1,518.7 hrs on record (1,157.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 May, 2023 @ 9:34pm
Product received for free

This is the only FTP game i know that punishes you to play the game. When playing High tier tanks, even high tier planes you require at least three kills to get your SL back from the absurd repair costs. Not only that but it alsk makes a wall where if your trying to learn high tier stuff and run out of SL, You either have to buy back into the game with money, or basically wait a week for free repair. They are using SL as there energy system for all of you who understand mobile games, but also making you uses your energy to get more tanks. Which once again is absurd, Then comes ammo types, of course you can use the free ammo you get with your tank or plane but those will never be strong enough in most cases, to reliable damage other tanks. Both of those things should be flat out removed from warthunders economy It would make the game a hell of a lot more enjoyable, while also Keeping newer players around knowing that they will be able to buy there next tank instead of grinding out on something they don't even care about while earning little to no reseach for the tank they are currently researching.

This also solves the problem of people bring in "one tank" into the battle as more player will bring in more tanks due to not having to worry about losing all they SL to Repair cost. This is a basic Kill two birds with one stone.
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