Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

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Flame Sentry_tweaked
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3.783 MB
23 Oct, 2017 @ 3:42am
2 Nov, 2017 @ 2:59pm
18 Change Notes ( view )

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Flame Sentry_tweaked

I had no part in the creation of this mod. All credit goes to its creator Katzenfleisch:

The original Flame Sentry mod is available here:

Flame Sentry (tweaked) stats:
* Range: 11.5 (from 8)
* Damages: 6 (+ post burning damages)
* Rate of Fire: 0.36 (from 0.15)
* Energy damages: 5 (from 1)
* Sentry Lamp was also dimmed
* Mod ID: "463e4ad0"

The following data is from the original MOD page.

This mod adds an other sentry type: the Flame sentry. It is ready to be used without any other changes (just add the mod ID)

The marine commander can drop it the same way he drops a regular one.

The Flame sentry has been designed to be a much more effective sentry in cost of more than half of its range. Making it a better choice against skulks, fade and onoses but vulnerable against lerks, and bile.

It also benefit from all the advantage of the flame including: stamina reduction, post burning damages and while it does not target them, spores and biles are destroyed if present between the FlameSentry and its target.

Special thanks to @4Horsemen (NS2Combat) for the model & animation files.

Flame sentries stats:
* Range: 8
* Damages: 6 (+ post burning damages)
* Approx DPS: 42 (~40.2 + 2 for burning damages)
* Energy damages: 1

Sentries stats (vanilla):
* Range: 20
* Damages: 5
* Approx DPS: 34

Flamethrower stats (vanilla):
* Range: 9
* Damages: 8 (+ post burning damages)
* Approx DPS: 55-60
* Energy damages: 3

Mod ID: "2ebce6c7"
Compatible with: NS2+, Shine, Badge+
TrollosaurusHax  [author] 6 Jul, 2018 @ 2:45pm 
unfortunately, development has ended. im sorry my friend. rip ns2.
Mine iga | | 4G only 5 Jul, 2018 @ 4:17am 
You kan fix this plugin? Nor work in 323 NS2(
Perfekt plugin, i use in 322 version NS2
TrollosaurusHax  [author] 2 Nov, 2017 @ 3:00pm 
good point. description has now been updated to reflect "tweaks".
Esdeath 2 Nov, 2017 @ 3:26am 
lol epic
Las 1 Nov, 2017 @ 12:00pm 
what does it change?
puppy food 28 Oct, 2017 @ 8:56am 
its so cool the gun shots fire :D:steamhappy:
一个辣鸡小滑稽MAGO 28 Oct, 2017 @ 5:56am 
sharp ovo
TrollosaurusHax  [author] 23 Oct, 2017 @ 4:15am 
**running it through more tests. commanders cant build it yet. will fix tomorrow.