The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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Isaac's Isaac's Isaac
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Randum mods that I find to be fun. Some make the game a little harder while others makes it a little easier.
Oggetti (45)
700,000 Items
Creato da Jello
Quick note about Repentance I will not be updating this mod for Repentance. Not that I didn't want to, or that I lack the motivation. It turns out that Repentance already has something in the game that kinda does what this mod offers, but on crack. I don't...
Allowance Trinket
Creato da Bernkastel
Gives you 5 coins, 1 bomb and 1 key at the start of every floor....
Angels Drop Items
Creato da Soky
Were you ever annoyed that after getting both key pieces fighting both Uriel and Gabriel was entirely pointless? Have you never gotten lucky to get the Filigree Feather while going for the Angel Rooms? Wanted to reroll the Key Pieces with D6, but couldn't ...
Bombable Devil Statue
Creato da Simsure
With this mod you will be able to bombarde the devil statue in the devil rooms likewise the angel statue in the angel rooms. If you choose to do it, all the items of the deal will disappear, as well as the statue and one of the two Fallen Angels (Gabriel/U...
Creato da GoldFeniks
This mod adds new familiar - Bombby. He's a little bomb friend who is scared of enemies and fires. He runs away from them and explodes after a short period of time. Sometimes he feels brave and chases his enemies. Enjoy! -- Now updated for Repentace --...
Chipping Blade Trinket
Creato da Altz
This mod adds a new trinket that allows you to get bombs out of bomb rocks. Any method of destroying the rock will spawn the bomb. Be causious of the rock still exploding There is a 1 in 5 chance of the rock spawing 2 bombs. Please Rate!...
Chronoscope (ZA WARUDO) [Outdated]
Creato da 『Sora』
Take control of the world with this amazing timeless item! Gain the ability to stop time for all but yourself for a few seconds with this definately-not-a-jojo-ripoff item! 4 room charge. Now working with jojo character mods and brimstone! Blast and punch ...
Color Stat HUD Icons
Creato da Oneness
Changes found HUD or stat icons to different colors. (icons only) ...
Daemon's Heart
Creato da Niro
Daemon's Heart 'Help from the underworld' When you pick up a black heart, a charmed imp is summoned to fight on your side! The imp stays with you until he dies. Spawns 2 black hearts on pick up. This item can be very good with things that give black heart ...
Demonic Conversion (AB+)
Creato da JSJosh
This mod adds a new devil deal item called Demonic Conversion; show your dedication to the devil by sacrificing your body! Its highly recommended to play this mod with Stats API ! Demonic Conversion This item is found only in the devil deal, worth 1 heart ...
External Item Description: Alphabirth
Creato da Patatifique
This mod adds descriptions to Alphabirth Items and makes your life easier. Are you tired of having to go to the Alphabirth wiki everytime you find one of those new items ? Then this mod is made for you ! Enjoy the Aplhabirth mod with clear descriptions for...
[AB+|Rep(+)] External Item Descriptions
Creato da Wofsauge This mod displays detailed information about all items, trinkets, cards, runes and pills DIRECTLY onto your screen. Say goodbye to your browser tab with platinumgod or the wiki open ;) The Steam-Workshop version of this mod ...
Gold Paint
Creato da Griffinbob1
Gold Paint is a trinket that doubles the chance for a golden key, bomb, or heart to spawn. If you have any comments or adjustment suggestions feel free to leave them down in the comments below....
[OBSOLETE] Grimaces Close Their Eyes
Creato da jerb
Grimaces have been bugged since the Afterbirth expansion- they get slightly squished down but still have their eyes open, as opposed to the Rebirth and WOTL behavior of closing their eyes once the room is clear. This small, simple mod fixes that by manuall...
Happy Items Pack
Creato da Hapty
This cool mod adds: - 4 exciting items - 1 scary familiar - 3 amusing trinkets ITEM SPOILERS: ep - all the amazing coding HappyHead - design and art...
HardMode Major Boss Patterns
Creato da Dot
This MOD is adds HardMode Major Boss Patterns. And some boss's patterns have been enhanced. ※ If sub-MODs is not activated, the Mod does not use some bosses's MOD pattern or phase....
Heart of the Keeper
Creato da Crashington
Did you ever get the Relic as the Lost? Have you ever found yourself drowning in Red Hearts as Blue Baby? Are you annoyed by your Blank Card + Jera plays, because there was that one Heart on the ground you cannot pick up, which is now after many duplicatio...
Higher Chance of Modded Items
Creato da HiHowAreYou
"Only Modded Items" a bit too extreme? With this mod installed, modded items are 2x more likely to show up in all places. After installing lots of modded items, it's dissapointing to see mostly old items, but I still want to have them show up. This mod is ...
Isaac is F***ING P*SSED!
Creato da z0mbiesrock
Basically this is an audio mod from Skyrim called "Swearing Mudcrabs". This mod replaces sound effects of getting hurt to joyful swears. I do not take credit for making the sounds....
Mechanical Eye
Creato da Niro
Mechanical Eye Upon use, Isaac throws an eye. When the eye sticks to a wall or a rock, it starts to shoot tears in a straight line like a turret. The tears are affected by your Damage, Tear Delay, Range, Shot Speed, and Tear Effects. Huge amount of synergi...
Items In Spawn
Creato da Oneness
Changes spawn so it has 30 random items. Updated 5/10/18 ...
Jacob's Ladder Synergies
Creato da DeadInfinity
Jacob's Ladder is a fun item and all, but the lack of synergies is quite bothersome, don't you think? I know I did, so I've created this mod to add Jacob's Ladder synergies! Now Jacob's Ladder will function with Brimstone, Technology (of all kinds), Dr. Fe...
(+REP) Josuke and Crazy Diamond
Creato da melon
NOTICE: Updated with a bugfix to make it playable with rep, a few minor improvements, functionality for Birthright, and a tainted version. The current version of the API has major bugs with stats and sounds, but I may update again once those are fixed. Che...
JoJo's Kira and DIO
Creato da [TBG] Alvys14Black
With this mod you can play as DIO from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders! DIO will start throwing knives and with the item THE WORLD. This item will stop time for 3s as DIO was able at the start and will summon his stand for 10s. DIO as vampire ...
Lil Delirium resprite
Creato da O_o
I can never tell Delirious and Lil Delirium apart just by looking at their item sprites. So, I decided to make things less confusing by making the sprite of Lil Delirium look like a familiar....
Creato da Giurassic
Ever wanted to feel protected ? Ever wanted to feel powerful ? Well now you can ! The ALL NEW Majoras Mask will give you everything you need (if all you need is a +5 damage up and 2 black hearts) Soon to come : Different tears ANIMATIONS MORE items Suggest...
Menu Doesn't Look Badly Cropped (Included in Real Cone Head) [In Booster 5]
Creato da Xalum
The "C"s in Continue and Challenges always looked like it had been badly cropped to me. Turns out it wasn't, it just looked like that. This mod makes the "C"s look like they haven't been badly cropped as well as a couple of other small changes just to make...
New Leviathan Transformation Animation
Creato da flambamamba
As per request, I have made this mod stand alone. Enjoy!...
One Tear Man
Creato da Русский
"Every enemy can be one shotted" Remake of the original One Tear Man by Sentinel when you find item "Cone Head", you will become Saitama! Thank you very much Spore64 for creating a good suit sprite...
Creato da Xalum
Enter Phosphorus. Leave a trail and red phosphorus and set it ablaze with this new mod. The phosphorus trail will only be set on fire by a special flame caused by your tears striking an enemy (or objects such as poop and fire), the chance for your tears to...
Playable Fallen
Creato da Reiku
Adds The Fallen to the roster of playable characters! He starts with 3 black hearts, The Bible, and flight. Known Bug: On the character select screen, The Forgotten will change portraits. You can still play as the Forgotten just fine, this bug only affects...
Player Animation Fixes (Included in Real Cone Head)
Creato da Xalum
This mod fixes a load of graphical errors that no-one will ever notice... but I did.. so I fixed them: - Maggy gets some of her hair cut off in the Appear and Death anitmations - FIXED - Maggy aquires some random extra pixels in the Sad animation - FIXED -...
Portable Restock Box
Creato da Xalum
One of the most useful recent(ish) additions is now portable with the Portable Restock Box. The Portable Restock Box is a one use item with spawns a Restock Machine near Isaac on use, this Restock Machine works in any room where items can spawn. The Portab...
Creato da Mouse
This mod adds a new item into the basement! ~REFUSER~ The bombs placed by Isaac will now respawn on explosion and explode again forever! ~Synergies~ WITH EVERYTHING An incredible addition to a bomb driven run!...
Revelations (Obsolete)
Creato da Sentinel
The Binding of Isaac: Revelations Chapter 1 is OBSOLETE: Download CH2 for the full CH1 content:
Shader API
Creato da 『Sora』
Modder tool. Adds a fix for shaders which allows multiple mods to have their shaders function at the same time instead of overwriting eachother. To use, simply replace the "return {stuff}" of your shader callback with shaderAPI.Shader('ShaderName",{stuff})...
Sheep Head
Creato da bethanw10
Repentance Compatible When you kill an enemy, all enemies of the same type are damaged...
Creato da 『Sora』
Note: OUTDATED! If possible, use Stats API 2.0 instead on the workshop. Modder tool. First release, likely has some bugs - leave anything you find strange in the comments below and for now, I left all the debugging strings on so you can check what it think...
Tech Arrow
Creato da Niro
Tech Arrow Isaac now fires arrows that shoot lasers. Many cool synergies: Tiny Planet Ludovico Anti Gravity Pop! Soy Milk Ipecac Haemolacria Spoon Bender Rubber Cement Monstro's Lung Mom's Knife Brimstone Technology Tech X And more... Credits Code / Art / ...
Tesla Head
Creato da Problematic
Get your future warfare weapon now! Install this tesla coil hat to zap enemies that are too touchy for you. Damage of it will scale with you power so, go and kill!...
The Red Room (Broken, kind of)
Creato da Veeyu
My LONG in development mod is finally here! Say hello to The Red Room!!!! A brand-new room consisting of trinkets because we have no real place to go for them! Ever downloaded mods that added trinkets only to realize just how hard it is to get a trinket th...
To be continued death music
Creato da SamiTrese
This mod changes the death music with the song Roundabout from Yes. Works on repentance and afterbirth +...
(AB+ ONLY) True Co-op
Creato da DeadInfinity
THIS IS LOCAL CO-OP, NOT ONLINE Repentance already has its own true co-op feature, don't use this mod with Repentance Co-op babies begone! Now you and your friends can play as your own individual characters as True Co-op comes to Afterbirth+! With up to fo...
Unique Mega Satan Music
Creato da jerb
This mod works best with REPENTOGON! With REPENTOGON, the music is cleanly replaced and properly crossfades as a result. This was previously impossible, resulting in the track suddenly cutting on instead. This is a small mod which replaces Mega Satan's mus...
Creato da Tusk
A character based off of the Isaac boss transformation of the Delirium boss. Delirium Isaac starts with 1 black heart and 2 red hearts. He also starts with the Lil' Delirium Item...