Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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L.U.I.S Auto Ore Cargo Drone
Type: Blueprint
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813.329 KB
19 Jun, 2018 @ 12:05am
20 Jun, 2018 @ 7:33pm
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L.U.I.S Auto Ore Cargo Drone

In 1 collection by Sir Luis
L.U.I.S Utility Space Ships
20 items
Lets Use It Strategically Presents

L.U.I.S Auto Ore Cargo Drone

L.U.I.S Auto Ore Cargo Drone is 100% Vanilla NO MODS.Survival Ready.

What is this ship?

This is a large grid autmated cargo drone for space only

Pro's to the ship

1.Extrememly cheap can be built in your first few days on any server.The only thing holding you back from constructing it on day one is platium and gold needed for the ion thrusters.

2.fills your need for an elite early game Large grid Cargo hauler Drone that can haul decent amount of cargo automated.
3.Can Carry alot of cargo.
4. remote control for auto pilot feature.
5.automatic lcds 2 script installed
6.Comes with medbay and cockpit.
7. Auto Docking Script By Spug now installed. Cheers

main purpoe of the cargo drone is to fly to a mobile mining platform and pick up ore that an autominer is dropping off.once the ore is picked up it returns back to the mainbase to drop the ore off.