Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Versus Co-op Mutation Set
Game Modes: Mutations
File Size
53.179 KB
29 Jul, 2021 @ 4:26am
8 Aug, 2021 @ 12:17pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Versus Co-op Mutation Set

This mod is essentially a separate mod from Versus Co-op Collection (Now called Training)

20 modes in this mod

Notice: In order to play the Mutations with modified Cvars and Scripts, open addonconfig.cfg in your L4D2 directory

{Your Steam directory}\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\cfg\addonconfig.cfg

and set "versus" value to 0.

After changing the value, save it

1. Advanced - Infected deal 5 melee damage. For Special Infected, dealing double normal damage (20 points of damage for Charger)
2. Expert - Infected deal 20 melee damage. For Special Infected, dealing 3 times normal damage (25 points of damage for Charger)
3. Elite - Versus but with the difficulty higher than Expert.
4. Flu Season Versus Co-op - Boomers and Spitters have a brief cooldown on their primary attack
5. Ballistic - Survivors are equipped with only Grenade Launcher as their primary weapon but All Infected have their health massively increased.
6. Gunmen Versus Co-op - All Survivors are equipped only with Magnum Versus Infected that deal severe damage to Survivors.
7. Ticking - All Survivors bleed out throughout the campaign but it is possible to gain 100 health after getting up from incapacitation.
8. Survivor Mover - Smoker and Charger have their move speed increased along with their primary attack.
9. Death's Door Versus Co-op - A Survivor dies once the health reaches 0.
10. One Kill - A slightly modified version of Death's Door Versus Coop. The Infected health is set to 1. (You need to briefly switch to Survivor team and unlock the door as the bots won't move until they pick up anything in the safe room. However, since the game mode don't spawn any item, the bots are bugged)
11. Confogl Versus Co-op - Balanced version of Versus.
12. Ultrarealism Versus Co-op - Versus without HUD/GUI.
13. Fast Forward - All Infected run at 450 hammer units per second.
14. Aggressive - Special Infected attack cooldown is removed.
15. Trigger Happy - Survivors will use M16 Assault Rifles with unlimited ammo to shoot Infected that spawn constantly without any horde interval.
16. Scarce - Health items and weapons do not spawn except the ones you start with.
17. Kit First - All spawned healing items are First Aid Kits.
18. Eliminator - Versus with Survivors armed with M60s and rapidly spawning Special Infected.
19. Pellet Obliteration - Shotguns with infinite ammo against Infected with tremendously high health.
20. Unstoppable Injury - Special Infected primary attack damage is reduced to 1 but still maintains the DPS.

If the Survivor Bot team is unable to move out in a Crescendo Event area, briefly switch to other team to activate it. Then switch back to your original team.
Press M to switch teams, up to 99 times.

1. Players have a huge advantage to win the match on Crash Course, The Sacrifice, Dead Center and The Passing as Bots are not programmed to collect gas cans or start generators.
2. If you want to play with cheats, open developer console and type "map <mapname> <name of the gamemode>" without quotes
ex: map c2m1_highway pelletobliteration (this starts Dark Carnival's first chapter with Pellet Obliteration as the gamemode)

Tags: charger spitter boomer hunter smoker tank jockey versus mutation co-op coop
ErikKson 6 Nov, 2022 @ 6:48pm 
Is there a co-op versus mutation that contains regular settings as a normal versus game?
I want to play with my friends against AI zombies with standard versus settings, is that possible?
Spartan 27 Oct, 2021 @ 8:35pm 
Reaverer 1 Oct, 2021 @ 11:42pm 
Could these be made 8 player?