Rail Route

Rail Route

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Budapest Cogwheel railwal
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8 Oct, 2022 @ 12:34pm
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Budapest Cogwheel railwal

This is the full lenght of the cogwheel railway (line 60) in Budapest and the turminus station (Szent jános kórház) of tram line 59. A part of the connecting tram lines are included on the map as well. There are many stops between Szent jános kórház and Hüvösvölgy that I didn't include as the map focuses on the cogwheel not the tram network of Buda. Platform number 1 at Erdei iskola is abandoned and the points were removed in real life, that's why I did too.

I tried to make it as accurate as possible compared to the real one. I am proud of my work as this is the first in RailRoute. Please RATE the level and COMMENT freely!
cyberbob1uk 28 Dec, 2022 @ 1:08am 
Love it!!!