216 ratings
[WotC] Weapon Gunsmith Framework
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31 Mar, 2023 @ 2:13pm
24 Aug, 2023 @ 4:52pm
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[WotC] Weapon Gunsmith Framework

In 1 collection by ∑3245
E3245's Master Mod Collection for War of the Chosen
98 items

War of the Chosen version!

Introducing Weapon Gunsmith, as seen in AAA titles such as Metro: Exodus, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare I (2019) and II (2022). You can customize almost all aspects of your weapon, down to the receiver. This is a framework mod for modders that allows other mods to hook their custom weapons into Weapon Gunsmith as they see fit. This mod does nothing on its own.

If you have issues with this mod or spotted a bug, please report it in the Bug Report Thread. If you want to provide feedback, whether its good or bad, then post in the General Feedback Thread.

If you are thinking of downvoting this mod, please provide feedback first, so I know what I should improve on/did wrong.

  • Customizable parts: Receiver, Barrel, Muzzles, Grips, and more!
  • You can customize camos and colors for specific weapon parts with custom Primary, Secondary, and Emissive colors!
  • Easy-to-use framework. Just write some INI files and see your results in the game. No coding knowledge required!
  • Custom Left Hand support in Tactical.
  • Suppressed firing sounds support, if a suppressor or a barrel with an integrated suppressor is equipped!
  • MCM support, with options to enable Cursed Weapon Mode, allowing receivers to use any parts from other receivers.
  • No custom Left Hand animations during Strategy, Shell, or any Matinees that play in Tactical. This is a really difficult problem that can't be easily solved without remaking 100s of animations.
  • Untested Rifle Grip support.
  • Weapons created with this mod cannot fully utilize Iridar's Weapon Skin Replacer or XSkin system. No way around this.
  • Any mod that overrides UIArmory_MainMenu will cause the button to not appear.
  • Mod Everything Reloaded messes with the Set Weapon Name button, and prevents the Switch To Gunsmith button from appearing.
(These mods may have issues)
  • [WOTC] Iridar's XSkin mod. Doesn't play nice with all of the changes that this mod makes to the weapon visualizer.
  • [WotC] Weapon Skin Replacer. Certain functions such as swapping weapon meshes will not play nice with Gunsmithable weapons. Template changes are fine though.
  • Mod Everything Reloaded. Makes changes to the Set Nickname dialog box and prevents the Switch To Gunsmith button from appearing in Weapon Upgrade.
  • Scaling mesh option for GS weapons.
  • Fix some bugs, if any.

Q: Does this work on a current save?

A: Yes. You can load this mod in the middle of the campaign and the weapons should appear.

Q: Are these reskins of existing weapons?

A: Sort of. By default, they have the same stats and have the same upgrade path, but exists as separate items.

Q: Vanilla version?

A: Not really, no.

Q: LWotC support?

A: No.

Q: Covert Infiltration version?

A: Nope.


  • RustyDios for helping somewhat with MCM integration and Weapon UI Fixes mod.
  • E3245 for building this framework.

Special Thanks:
  • SureFire for making the ModPreview image and logo for this mod!


Release ver: 1.008:
  • Custom Handguard logic for SR-25.
  • Fixed Suppressed Barrels having Muzzles equippable.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
27 Dec, 2023 @ 2:54pm
PINNED: Bug Report Thread
5 Dec, 2024 @ 3:33am
PINNED: General Feedback Thread
GamerGirl 25 Feb @ 10:21am 
This was by far my favorite xcom 2 mod, but it conflicts with al the mods that are absolutely vital for modern play. Would you consider making an update that doesn't conflict with the above mods if at possible? Thanks :)
Lester The Terran 29 Jan @ 6:08pm 
This is amazing, and I love it. Just one tiny question though, for the M16 Heatshield barrel attachment as shown in the 4th picture: Why is the triangular front sight post gone? Why not have 2 options for a barrel with and w/o the front sight post?

Sorry if I sound like a complainer, just seems like a really odd choice to not include it.
Bishop 6 Aug, 2024 @ 5:32pm 
The gunsmith button only appears on Conventional tier weapons and not the upgraded versions. Any idea why or how to fix?
Rover 29 Jul, 2024 @ 8:36am 
Shame there's no LWotC support. Too bad.
GamerGirl 15 Apr, 2024 @ 7:19am 
Can't edit any pistols, including the ones from the compatible mod you're using. Maybe because I'm using primary pistols for the phalanx class?
THE CHANGER 19 Mar, 2024 @ 3:46pm 
I can't edit the guns from the modern warfare (2022) mod. The buttons gray out and don't allow me to change the weapons. Could this be a conflicting mod issue?
Silverghosts 12 Feb, 2024 @ 12:20pm 
Just a question, will you make this compatible with your MW1 weapon mod?
RinAndTonic 3 Dec, 2023 @ 5:20pm 
Oh bummer that it doesn't change the projectile color! I see a lot of mods that change enemy plasma emitter+projectile colors so I have to assume it could work for XCOM too somehow
WN_FOXMAN 27 Nov, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Found it, mod called Mod everything destroyed the gunsmith for me
WN_FOXMAN 27 Nov, 2023 @ 3:14am 
So frustrating worked like 2 days ago