Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

190 ratings
Oshi no Ko! 推しの子 ! (Music Player)
Type: Web
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Anime
Resolution: Dynamic resolution
Category: Wallpaper
File Size
50.941 MB
24 May, 2023 @ 6:25am
30 Jun, 2023 @ 10:02pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Oshi no Ko! 推しの子 ! (Music Player)


This is a web-based wallpaper based on the anime Oshi no Ko. I've been a fan of this work even before the anime and I really wanted to release a wallpaper for it <3. This project took a lot longer than I initially expected so please do subscribe to it and leave a rating if you want. As always I'll be releasing a GitHub link for anyone interested in creating something similar to my work. I hope you like the series, and please enjoy the wallpaper as well.

Important Notes:
This is a beta version so crashes may happen and if it does the quickest solution is just to restart Wallpaper Engine. It is also possible to have weird icons appear in different sizes and stuff so let me know in the comments if it happens so I can fix it.
If there's anyone that successfully tried media integration on the web and does not make Wallpaper Engine crash, please do let me know how you did it sensei!

Inspired From: https://ad.gamersky.info/@steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1278092907

Why does the youtube video look different from the actual wallpaper?
I haven't updated the yt video yet because of copy strike reasons.

~This part is for the buttons that some may find confusing.
1.) The font does not fit in the player!!!
-You can change the font size from the wallpaper property settings.
2.) What does the plus do on the right side of the player?
- It will show a playlist that can help you change the song without spamming the prev or skip button.
3.) What does the lock icon do?
-This will lock the current background image from further changes because of the skip button.

~Top right setting icons
1.) What does the first icon do?
-It will hide the player and it will prevent the music from automatically playing.
2.) What does the second icon do?
-It is a toggle to hide the visualizer.
3.) What does the third icon do?
-This will change the background image provided by the Wallpaper Engine.
4.) What does the fourth icon do?
-This will change the background effect. It has three modes [1] Clear, [2] Rain [3] Petals.

Quick fix:
June 25:
~Adjusted font sizes for lower resolution, you can still use the text size property in wallpaper engine.

Version 2.0:
~Added new color and image presets.
~Tweak localStorage for new features.

~Black Screen or wallpaper not showing after the update.
Please delete "oshi-04" in localStorage to write a new structure for the wallpaper.
You can refer to step 1 of this guide to access and delete localStorage.
If you have any troubles in doing so please leave a comment.

ED images downloaded from:
Reddit : r/OshiNoKo/comments/12sg42v/upscaled_ending_wallpapers_oshi_no_ko/

Quick Notes:
Piyeon's song and Kana's full moon will be updated hopefully the same day they release the full album which will be July 5.
Future updates will also be added on that date.

Steam Group Link:
GitHub Link:
Twitter Link: If you have questions and stuff.

Of course, I do not own any of the artwork/music used in this project and all work should be accredited to the rightful owners.
Oshi no Ko Official Youtube

Icon images used are from "Flaticon".
Other Works:

Thank you for subscribing, favorite, and rating my work have a good day!
Cube  [author] 21 Sep, 2024 @ 9:54pm 
@jamesarias2383 Will do this next week :luv:
jamesarias2383 21 Sep, 2024 @ 2:39pm 
hello i like your theme and i have a question did you can update the theme with the last op and ending thanks good job, and sorry i am speak spanish dont have good level the english
KitCatio 9 Sep, 2024 @ 8:45pm 
hihi I LOVE THIS SM is it possible to have this updated with the op and ed songs from season 2 :luv:
青石 10 Jan, 2024 @ 5:20am 
JackeKuang 18 Oct, 2023 @ 7:12am 
Hello, my computer‘size is 1920*1080, wallpaper ratio is not quite right,the images was stretched.
Siolemon. 16 Sep, 2023 @ 9:13am 
reble02 13 Jul, 2023 @ 12:14am 
实乃梨 15 Jun, 2023 @ 7:02am 
ohhhhhhhhh,good work!:murasame_smile:
The Drink 2 Jun, 2023 @ 6:26pm 
amazing work once again <3